got hit pretty good on the shin...need advice


Orange Belt
During sparring last Thurs, I got hit pretty good. I KNOW I need to see a doctor but was looking for some answers first if anyone had similar experience.

Walking normally, I don't feel any discomfort but if my calf is fully extended (like doing a calf stretch) there is some slight pain at the area of the strike. I can't tell if bone or muscle is damaged.

- If I did fracture my fibula (hit above and behind the outside left leg ankle), would I be able to walk without pain? There is no swelling and I can walk normally without any discomfort. There is also no bruise or marks indicating I got hit either. If I did fracture it, I would be in serious pain right?

I skipped my Sat. class just to be sure.

Thanks in advance.
persoanlly I'd probably go with ice and Asper cream.

As long as you can walk (put weight) on the leg I would not be concerned. You propably got a good lick to the soft tissue, muscles etc...that hurts like crap.
persoanlly I'd probably go with ice and Asper cream.

As long as you can walk (put weight) on the leg I would not be concerned. You propably got a good lick to the soft tissue, muscles etc...that hurts like crap.
Good advice, Ice is going to get that swelling down and promote quicker healing.

If you had a fracture of any kind there would be a large bruise and extreme pain, no way could you walk without knowing. Wear your shin pads when you go back until it's better.
I would ice it for awhile. Long ago I got whacked hard on the shin and had a bump there for many months! It finally went away.
Dit dat jow always helps me.

Doesn't help me, but I like that crazy smell. I musta been a cat in a previous life!

If I were you, I'd go see a doctor right away!

Not really. I'd tell people I was icing it and stuff, but I'd really ignore it until it went away. :)

Don't take advice from me, I guess. :)
I would see a doctor if it doesnt go away in a couple of days....none of us are doctors and I would hate to see you have major problems because you listened to some martial artist. Everyones body is different, so wait a few days and if it don't get better go see a doctor! Just my opinion!
I agree with ice & seeing a doctor. While my injury is different (a torn calf muscle from running) you just don't want to mess with muscle injuries.

All my best!
It was a muscle thing. I did some light kicking on the bag. Most of the discomfort worked it self out. Its all but gone now. Thank the gods. Strange, there was no mark on my leg whatsoever but it hurt like a bruise and a muscle pull.

I got lucky this time. I can't wait until my shin/instep pads come in. I have TKD class tomorrow. Maybe I'll try and find a store that carries them locally.

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