Knee post - op diary


Yellow Belt
Knee is probably is the most injured body part among martial artists. Whatever art you look to, dozens of people have their story about knee injury..I am not exclusive, so I just operated mine, few days ago. Here is short information and rehab diary which I will write until I heal.

Injury: torn of lateral meniscus, three years ago during Taekwondo lessons.
Operation type: partial menisectomy of the lateral meniscus on left knee, by arthroscopy.
Before / after operation: two months before operation I strengthened my leg muscles extensively (almost doubled deadlift and leg extensions). I am very fit. Now after operation I carefully listen my physical therapist.

Day 0 (operated): walked few hours after op, with very litlle weight bearing on operated foot, some pain, and unable to flex and extend.

Day 1: walked about 20 minutes during daytime. Less pain, but still pain and discomfort, still unable to flex and extend, ice localy.

Day 2, 3: Doing exercises 5-6 times a day followed by ice, able to extend and flex knee sometimes, full bodyweight bearing. No pain. Still discomfort and deformed walking. Pain before sleep in back of the knee, to the left side, something badly hurted on full extension 2 or three times.

Day 4: Walked perfectly normal for ten minutes under full bodyweight. No pain and no swelling. Able to full extend and flex. A bit of pain around medial meniscus (I operated lateral) after I camed home, nothing much.
Keep up with the rehab, things will keep getting better. Good luck......... :)
Listen to your doctor and physical therapist. Good luck with your healing. Sounds like you are on a good road to recovery.
Days 4-8

It gets better everyday. I am walking perfectly normal putting full bodyweight on both legs and I don't use ice anymore. Sometimes I feel pain, but it's all just one day season, and not serious. Today I start with leg exstensions in the gym and road bike.

Seems like I am getting really fast recovery. Physio therapist says it's because I strengthen my quads really much before operation so it didn't atrophy much and it can gain results much faster now.

He also say that even I have great recovery, I should stay out of jogging for 6 months, and also should skip deep squats and deadlift with big weights. Doing martial arts in the level I did before op (5-6 intensive trainings)...for a year.

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