Got Food Stamps?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
As crisis bites, more Americans turn to food stamps

by Virginie Montet Tue Oct 14, 11:36 PM ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm this week is doing something millions of her constituents are being forced to do year-round; she's living on food stamps.

"She is one of 300 people who are taking a pledge" to eat like a food stamp recipient, including executives of Michigan-based auto giants General Motors, Ford and Chrysler and dozens of legislators, said the state's human services department chief Ismael Ahmed.
"It's my second day on 5.87 dollars a day," Ahmed told AFP by telephone. "I've already calculated that I'll be out of bread by Thursday."
While penny-pinching among the wealthy may help draw attention to poverty issues, living on food stamps is a devastating reality for millions of Americans -- and the numbers are growing to alarming levels.
The number of food stamps being distributed in the United States approached a new record this summer and promises to reach a new peak with repercussions of the financial crisis starting to bite.
More than 29 million Americans received food stamps in July, an increase of close to one million over just three months earlier, according to the latest figures released by the US Department of Agriculture, which distributes the benefits -- these days most often by magnetized debit cards -- to households living below and just over the poverty line.
Can you imagine how many people can be fed and fed WELL on $700 billion?
Can you imagine how many people can be fed and fed WELL on $700 billion?

Heck, why stop at $700 billion? Why not use $600 trillion? Maybe we could direct all of the resources available to us toward the goal of producing food and nothing else?
Heck, why stop at $700 billion? Why not use $600 trillion? Maybe we could direct all of the resources available to us toward the goal of producing food and nothing else?

I see ... I see ... the end of world hunger ... ah but it is just a vision .... :asian:
Fod stamps temporarily is ok, but allowing it to be a way of life, no.

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