Got a student, Trained for MMA, and WON!!!


Brown Belt

I trained a student for an MMA fight, and he won in a dominant fashion!

I've had it under wraps for a while, yet I taught him nice San Da and good defensive ground game and it was good for the win!!

Just really happy for that and since this is the part of the forum where I post most, and a few care a bit, I posted here!

Now we can train on the hard stuff, like pure Wing Chun! ;)

Anyway, I am extremely happy for his success and I hope to train him and more like him for success in the MMA sport.


Juan M. Mercado
CONGRATULATIONS, that is most excellent news. I'll tip a beer on you and your students behalf tonight. :o)
Congrats! And yes, if there is a clip, that would be awesome to see!:ultracool
Ai, que padre, profe! Now if you can get him to win again while throwing in a bit of WC in a really obvious way, that would be even more awesome. Keep us posted.
Well, I would also love to see the video, yet I think it is being edited for distribution. We haven't got a copy yet.

With my guys' permission, I hope to put up some clips. Interestingly enough, he looks and executes much better now... He learns quite rapidly, and is serious and dedicated to the training. So I expect more success from him and my other students.

I sort of invest a bit too much in them, yet I know of no better way to train others in Martial Skills and improving fast.

Thanks for the kudos! It means a lot to me that a few people in the internets care! :)


Juan M. Mercado
Profesor de A.C.A.De.M.I.A.
Guardian Lions Kung Fu School
Academia de Artes Marciales de Carolina

(>.<) \m/ ALRIGHT!!
I'm glad you were able to integrate WC into MMA. I actually hope to integrate my two years of WC into the MMA/BJJ-esque Modern Army Combatives Program when I join the US Army after eight years of Navy service. Your tale gives me inspiration for it.

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