I practice an art known as Hakarac. It is of East Timorese origin and literally translated means many ways. We say that Hakarac is not a style of fighting but the way in which we train. Our technique is boxing, primarily hand and elbow techniques, however we do use knees and a couple of kicks.
I am interested to see different views of others, in terms of reality based training and live situations. I have been in limited confrontations so my knowledge of real life is small. However our training is conducted in such a way it constantly puts us in situations that challenge our thinking.
Mindset is perhaps the most effective self preservation technique. I view martial arts forums as a mindset dojo.
I am interested to see different views of others, in terms of reality based training and live situations. I have been in limited confrontations so my knowledge of real life is small. However our training is conducted in such a way it constantly puts us in situations that challenge our thinking.
Mindset is perhaps the most effective self preservation technique. I view martial arts forums as a mindset dojo.