As requested I thought as a new member I should introduce myself. I am a bloke from a little town called Mandurah in the southwest corner of Australia. I have been studying a martial art called Kosong Tangan for 3 years and am currently training towards my shodan. I would be very surprised if anyone out there had heard of this art as the man who has developed the style is my instructor. The art is a street orientated art that has been made up from a variety of others that include but are not limited to Silat Panca Bela, Jeet Kune Do, Western Boxing, Judo, Muay Thai, Capoeira, Escrima and Kali Silat. My Instructor is a firm believer in teaching the principals behind all techniques so that the student becomes able to fight beyond the original technique shown. Thus we are able to perform techniques from any situation we face and don't need to rely on waiting for a particular strike that we have practiced in the dojo. In my opinion the only way to train. The bases of our training would definately lean toward Penjak Silat which I find to be a very efficient art. We train in a majority of empty hand until you reach 2nd pankgat which is reached after passing 5 gradings at which time we begin to incorporate knives and escrima sticks. In 1st pangkat as well as continuing with stick and knife we train with kubotans and play a little bo as well. I apolegise for not having my avatar up as I have tried twice and run out of patience after fifteen minutes of watching it load. When I get a spare hour I will try again. Heres to my first post with hopefully alot more to come. :jedi1: