Good starter rifle?

Well MA-Caver, England has banned knives and clubs, and guns, but bummer, they still fall into the wrong hands. What we hope is they also fall into the right hands.

I've lived 54 years. Never stared down a .45, nor been stabbed, shot, clubbed, and other clamities. I don't know where you live but it seems to be a rough place. Where I live, even awash with guns, seems to not be as violent a place. I suspect that has more to do with it than if guns are in wrong hands.

Honesty, how can you prevent them from being in the wrong hands and still keep them in the right hands? Mexico has many a stringent gun law (as does India) but violence, especially with firearms, is very prevailiant there.

I feel one cannot keep guns out of the 'wrong hands', period. All it does is take them out of the 'right hands'.

And as has been said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. ” Edmund Burke (1729-1797).

And if good men have no arms, they can do nothing.
