5.56mm vs. 7.62mm, gonna buy a Ruger...

There are some good shooting videos up on youtube. Do you perchance know someone who has one or is there a range that rents them?

Essentially the .223 is a high powered .22 which is by no means a bad thing at all :) the 7.62 is gonna do alot more ballistics damage and have a heavier kick to it. For reference
it shows the .223 and compares it to other rounds and there effect on cinder blocks. there is also a good one that has a comparison of the two rounds with the M16 and the AK47
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I haven't made the purchase yet. Kinda wondering how the new push for additional gun control laws might play out and I wonder if the Mini's might end up getting grouped in with the assualt weapons. I don't want to have something that would be problematic to ever take and use, even just for target shooting.

So I'm considering other options. Perhaps one of Ruger's bolt-action rifles. what do people think of the .308? .30-06? .300 magnum Winchester? What is the cost of this kind of ammunition?

I've shot the .30-06 when I was younger, my dad has one (very "stout" round, that one is), and I've shot the .30-30, a friend had one, so I'm familiar with the performance of those. Never shot a .308 or .300 mag win before. Any thoughts?
Essentially the .223 is a high powered .22 which is by no means a bad thing at all

Do you really think that's a fair assessment? The caliber is very close, but the projectile is longer and so quite a bit heavier and has a much higher velocity. I think calling it a high powered .22 is understating it quite a bit.

thanks for the video links, I'll check them out at home.
I haven't made the purchase yet. Kinda wondering how the new push for additional gun control laws might play out and I wonder if the Mini's might end up getting grouped in with the assualt weapons. I don't want to have something that would be problematic to ever take and use, even just for target shooting.

So I'm considering other options. Perhaps one of Ruger's bolt-action rifles. what do people think of the .308? .30-06? .300 magnum Winchester? What is the cost of this kind of ammunition?

I've shot the .30-06 when I was younger, my dad has one (very "stout" round, that one is), and I've shot the .30-30, a friend had one, so I'm familiar with the performance of those. Never shot a .308 or .300 mag win before. Any thoughts?

What will the guns primary purpose be?

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Do you really think that's a fair assessment? The caliber is very close, but the projectile is longer and so quite a bit heavier and has a much higher velocity. I think calling it a high powered .22 is understating it quite a bit.

thanks for the video links, I'll check them out at home.

I think so :) my main point was it's kinda a good thing it makes a small hole and doesn't penetrate as well. which for home defense can be good, also since it's a smaller round I feel from watching videos it seems to be very accurate. I have a .223 rifle, sadly I yet to shoot it, but I made the decision based upon the fact that it's a smaller round and my love for the rifle :D

for example
What will the guns primary purpose be?

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honestly, it is mostly an indulgence of my interest in all things weaponry. And I did grow up with firearms and hunted with my dad when I was younger so it's not something I'm completely inexperienced with. I had the hunter's safety course and all that and we used to shoot trap and target shoot at our local rock quarries, and we hunted ducks and geese and on occasion small game with my uncle.

At this time I don't intend to hunt, and it's not for a home defense agenda. It would be target shooting. I realize a .30 caliber is overkill for that kind of thing, and I know that the best plinker is a .22 LR, but I always wanted something bigger than that, just for personal interest.

I had a Ruger 10/22 when I was younger, and a .50 cal muzzle loader, but I left them with my dad when I moved to California. I've not felt a need to own a gun since then, but personal interest in weaponry is making me consider it now. Honestly, I'm surprised my wife has agreed to it, but she has.
I'm pleased for you my friend - I wish that circumstances were different here in Britain so that I could go shooting again without turning around to see an Armed Response Team breathing down my neck :lol:. I used to be good - as I say I was on my uni's rifle team and consistently shot high 90's at the short range with the .22LR. My main claim to fame was that I used to go rabbit hunting with a rifle rather than a shotgun - don't much care for the taste and crunch of lead shot in my dinner :lol:.

These days if I walked down the street with a rifle bag slung over my shoulder ... oh look, there's the police again. Makes me quietly annoyed I have to admit.
I'm pleased for you my friend - I wish that circumstances were different here in Britain so that I could go shooting again without turning around to see an Armed Response Team breathing down my neck :lol:. I used to be good - as I say I was on my uni's rifle team and consistently shot high 90's at the short range with the .22LR. My main claim to fame was that I used to go rabbit hunting with a rifle rather than a shotgun - don't much care for the taste and crunch of lead shot in my dinner :lol:.

These days if I walked down the street with a rifle bag slung over my shoulder ... oh look, there's the police again. Makes me quietly annoyed I have to admit.

ha, squirrels with the .22, but my uncle used a .410 shotgun. I wouldn't walk down the street with a rifle bag around here either. I think it does tend to make people uncomfortable and I don't have any interest in doing that. Straight into the car and off to the shooting range.

Funny story, years ago I bought a new bow. I needed to visit the archery shop for some things, and took it with me. It was unstrung and in a long bow bag, but was obvious what it was. Afterward, I took a drive to a nearby beach and took a walk. I don't have an enclosed trunk in my car and didn't want to leave the bow in open view in the back seat for fear of theft, so I took it with me. A couple of park rangers approached me and asked if that was a bow in the bag. I said yes it is, but pointed out that it is unstrung, wrapped up in the bag, and even more obviously that I had no arrows with me (it's a bit difficult to conceal them down your pant leg...). I also told them about my concerns about leaving it in the back seat of my car. They shrugged, said OK no problem, and went about their business.
honestly, it is mostly an indulgence of my interest in all things weaponry. And I did grow up with firearms and hunted with my dad when I was younger so it's not something I'm completely inexperienced with. I had the hunter's safety course and all that and we used to shoot trap and target shoot at our local rock quarries, and we hunted ducks and geese and on occasion small game with my uncle.

At this time I don't intend to hunt, and it's not for a home defense agenda. It would be target shooting. I realize a .30 caliber is overkill for that kind of thing, and I know that the best plinker is a .22 LR, but I always wanted something bigger than that, just for personal interest.

I had a Ruger 10/22 when I was younger, and a .50 cal muzzle loader, but I left them with my dad when I moved to California. I've not felt a need to own a gun since then, but personal interest in weaponry is making me consider it now. Honestly, I'm surprised my wife has agreed to it, but she has.

What sort of target shooting? Long range? For accuracy....like benchrest shooting? Plan to try out competition? Just to "plink"? Would you like to have an option to hunt? Self defence? Both?

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What sort of target shooting? Long range? For accuracy....like benchrest shooting? Plan to try out competition? Just to "plink"? Would you like to have an option to hunt? Self defence? Both?

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I think medium to long range, to whatever distance the rifle is up to. I guess I don't have a particular range in mind, just an interest in shooting to whatever limits the particular rifle is capable. I guess that's why I'm kind of open to different options and I'm not married to the idea of one particular type of rifle. No competition for me, just personal fulfillment.

By plinking, do you mean going to a quarry or some safe open land and just shooting at old cans and stuff? I don't think that kind of environment is available out here where I am. I think I'll be limited to established shooting ranges unless I want to drive out a ways and I doubt I'd be inclinded to do that.

Hunting, well I'm not really interested in it but I suppose anything could be a possibility under the right circumstances. It's not a motivating factor in buying a gun at this time. I definitely have hunters in my extended family and I suppose it could be possible to join them someday if I built up the interest. My wife is a vegetarian and the thought of hunting is kinda frowned upon in my house, unless somehow we were starving and our lives depended on it. Honestly, I'm a softie when it comes to the fuzzy critters and I doubt I'd have the will to shoot one without really strong reason to.

home defense, well I guess having a weapon in the house makes that a possibility, but my wife definitely wants it well locked up and I doubt it would be quickly accessible for that kind of thing. So again, that's not a motivating issue for me in making a choice.
I think medium to long range, to whatever distance the rifle is up to. I guess I don't have a particular range in mind, just an interest in shooting to whatever limits the particular rifle is capable. I guess that's why I'm kind of open to different options and I'm not married to the idea of one particular type of rifle. No competition for me, just personal fulfillment.

By plinking, do you mean going to a quarry or some safe open land and just shooting at old cans and stuff? I don't think that kind of environment is available out here where I am. I think I'll be limited to established shooting ranges unless I want to drive out a ways and I doubt I'd be inclinded to do that.

Hunting, well I'm not really interested in it but I suppose anything could be a possibility under the right circumstances. It's not a motivating factor in buying a gun at this time. I definitely have hunters in my extended family and I suppose it could be possible to join them someday if I built up the interest. My wife is a vegetarian and the thought of hunting is kinda frowned upon in my house, unless somehow we were starving and our lives depended on it. Honestly, I'm a softie when it comes to the fuzzy critters and I doubt I'd have the will to shoot one without really strong reason to.

home defense, well I guess having a weapon in the house makes that a possibility, but my wife definitely wants it well locked up and I doubt it would be quickly accessible for that kind of thing. So again, that's not a motivating issue for me in making a choice.

When I hear the term plinking it seems to refer to metal knock down targets. Or generically used for target shooting period. So essentially just firing off rounds while standing at a range. I think the term is suppose to come from the "plink" sound from hitting metal targets. (correct me if I'm wrong)

Home defense, well I understand that. Though I could see something like an AR-15 carbine being useable or even a shotgun I personally feel that handguns are best options. If your interested in quick access but still locked up, have you considered the biometric safes such as Barska?
I realize I've forgotten to include a couple of other options: the .243 and .270. if anyone wants to share some thoughts on those, I'd be willing to hear it.

Personal opinion. From what you are describing I'd go with a bolt gun. You get more "fun" with that style of shooting without blazing through a lot of ammo which isn't getting any cheaper. If you ever get into reloading/accuracy shooting down the road the bolt gun would serve you best there as well.

I'd suggest .308, the ammo is widely available, it's got "reach" and you could easily hunt with it if you ever decided to go that route.
Personal opinion. From what you are describing I'd go with a bolt gun. You get more "fun" with that style of shooting without blazing through a lot of ammo which isn't getting any cheaper. If you ever get into reloading/accuracy shooting down the road the bolt gun would serve you best there as well.

I'd suggest .308, the ammo is widely available, it's got "reach" and you could easily hunt with it if you ever decided to go that route.

Cool, thanks. Do you have any thoughts on the .243 or .270?

I was doing a little Wikipedia research, looks like the .270 could be a very versatile round. Good for long distances, 400+ yards out to maybe 1000, and lighter loads for varmint hunting and heavier loads for big game hunting. I realize I'm probably not really interested in hunting, but that kinda seems like a gage of versatility so I'm just looking at it in those terms.
Cool, thanks. Do you have any thoughts on the .243 or .270?

I was doing a little Wikipedia research, looks like the .270 could be a very versatile round. Good for long distances, 400+ yards out to maybe 1000, and lighter loads for varmint hunting and heavier loads for big game hunting. I realize I'm probably not really interested in hunting, but that kinda seems like a gage of versatility so I'm just looking at it in those terms.

Eh..in terms of (rnd) vs (rnd) you can get into all sorts of variables. The .243/.270 are flatter shooters but lighter bullets with less terminal impact...blah..blah..

Each had its + and -....For me the .308 has two major factors going for it. Ammo availability and ammo cost. You can even shoot 7.62 NATO through your .308. And there's nothing those other calibers can do that .308 can't.

I recently (as in today) purchased a Marlin 336C 30-30. NY recently allowed rifle for Whitetail hunting and I wanted a 30 caliber round chucker. I went with that platform because of the style of hunting I practice (I walk/stalk), the ranges I typically shoot at (200 yd MAX) and a desire for a lighter recoiling round for close range follow-up shots. The shorter/lighter/quicker lever action was the route I took.
Eh..in terms of (rnd) vs (rnd) you can get into all sorts of variables. The .243/.270 are flatter shooters but lighter bullets with less terminal impact...blah..blah..

Each had its + and -....For me the .308 has two major factors going for it. Ammo availability and ammo cost. You can even shoot 7.62 NATO through your .308. And there's nothing those other calibers can do that .308 can't.

I recently (as in today) purchased a Marlin 336C 30-30. NY recently allowed rifle for Whitetail hunting and I wanted a 30 caliber round chucker. I went with that platform because of the style of hunting I practice (I walk/stalk), the ranges I typically shoot at (200 yd MAX) and a desire for a lighter recoiling round for close range follow-up shots. The shorter/lighter/quicker lever action was the route I took.

alright, good info. I've got some things to think about a bit but I'm getting a picture that works.

thanks for the input, I appreciate it.

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