Good news


Senior Master
Good morning all, yestarday afther 14 years missing I found my TKD Certificates!!! I took them to my actual sambunim for a review, I have now my certificate from yellow belt to black belt firsth degrre and some self defense courses I took several years ago. I will scan my black belt Diploma (certificate) and will show you all here.

Last night I retook TKD classes, mainly we did stretching and poomsae from taeguk 5,6,7,8 Koryo and Kungam.

Today I got an email from one of sambunims (the one who took me from blue belt to black belt) and gave me some imput about his life (he lives in Tijuana) and gave some recomendations about SD/MA and TKD, it was a refreshing email.

Thats huge. I had a similar moment unpacking a box where I found some stuff from seminars with Hae Man Park and other treasures.
This time grab a binder with plastic inserts and put them all together. G.M. West gave me this advice and now I have a book for my son and me. Its a great way to keep and access training memories.

Dave O.
Fantastic Manny! It's amazing how much a piece of paper can bring back so many great memories & encourage us in our training. That's excellent!

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