Good Day from Brasov Romania!


Yellow Belt
Hello Everyone!

My name is Art Mason, and I am a "lifetime" (adult lifetime) martial artist from Windsor Ontario Canada who moved with one of his sons almost 2 years ago to Brasov Romania. I was first in Romania in 2010 teaching a seminar and fell in love with the country (a woman too).

I began my martial arts training in Hapkido in November 1984 and have never looked back since. I was employed at Chrysler Canada but left to run a school in Windsor full time. I stll have a school there run by my senior black belts, and one here in Brasov.

That is the short story long!

Thanks for reading!
Welcome to MT! I am in the Detroit area, very near Windsor.

Very cool! I always loved Detroit oddly enough. I remember going to Hudson as a kid with my mom. But I am happy to be here in my sleepy little mountain town.

Hello, welcome to Martial Talk. I read your title as Good day from Braavos, it's a city in Game of Thrones
Hello, Mate!
It's good seeing other people from Romania on the forum. Brasov is a great city. Hope you enjoy it, and yes it is kinda "medieval".

I love the city. People are great also. Won't call this my retirement because I am far from retired. But I am not planning on returning to the west.

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