Hello from Sarnia


White Belt
Well I'm a new member of this group but have visited many times. But now a little about me, As the title says I'm from Sarnia thats in Ontario,Canada. Been there all my life, of which the last 9 years I have been learning TKD. I started TKD because it would help regain my balance and memory skills that I lost after a head injury at work. Well it did help and now I'm a 2nd Dan and an instructor, I love helping other learn this art. When I started my family joined me, my daughter of 15 still takes TKD, my son 13 switched over too Kenpo. Think he had issues with his father teaching, but he is still in martial arts and thats what matters.
TKD has always been my root art but I like too study other styles as well, I find some blend or can be used for self defence.

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