Department of Irony here...
The US is planning to phase out the use of mercury thermometers over the next decade, as mercury pollutes. Mercury batteries for such things as film cameras were phased out a decade ago, they're illegal everywhere now.
Funny thing - environmentally-friendly CFL (compact florescent lights) have significant amounts of mercury in them, but they're legal. Why? Because they're hip and trendy and fashionable amongst the
Granola-crunching bunny-hugging hand-wringers, that's why.
They pretend they 'fixed' the problem by making it illegal to discard them in landfills, meaning it's illegal for YOU to throw them away with your household trash. Did you know that? Most people don't. They just throw them away when they die. And the greenies don't care; it's just a sop for their consciences.
Mercury? Who gives a crap? We're saving the planet, bubba!
Thermometers and cameras batteries are or will be outlawed due to mercury, but CFL's, no problem at all. Bring 'em on!
Ah, the environmentalists make me sick.