Global warming pause caused by La Nina


MT Mentor
A cooling in the Pacific Ocean over the past decade has been the main cause of a pause in global warming in recent years, US research says.
Scientists have been puzzling over why global mean temperatures have not risen since a peak 15 years ago even as greenhouse gas emissions – with their potential to trap more of the sun's heat – have continued to increase.

That hiatus has spurred sceptics of human-induced climate change to declare that action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions was unwarranted or less urgent.

The US study, covering the decade of 2002-12 and published online by the journal Nature, found the levelling off of temperatures was caused by a preponderance of La Nina-like conditions that cooled waters in the central and eastern Pacific.

One for Billc. :asian:
Thanks, K-man. I appreciate the article. I'm not looking for a fight so please don't take it that way. Do you see now why man made global warming as a theory has real problems...Keep in mind, we are told that man made green house gasses are permanently changing the temperature on the earth. We are pumping out so much of the stuff that it is changing the climate of the entire planet...but...La Nina stopped it for 16 years... so far...

I don't think they have the science on this anywhere near to where it needs to be...for what they are demanding we do to stop it...

Thanks for the article, I appreciate the find...
Here is a look at what I just pointed out...from climatedepot. I'm not the only one to think this is a problem for the theory of man made global warming...

Anyone with a little common sense who’s reading the abstract and the hype around the blogosphere and the Meehl et al papers will logically now be asking: if La Niña events can stop global warming, then how much do El Niño events contribute? 50%? The climate science community is actually hurting itself when they fail to answer the obvious questions.
And what about the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO)? What happens to global surface temperatures when the AMO also peaks and no longer contributes to the warming?
The climate science community skirts the common-sense questions, so no one takes them seriously.

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'It argues that not only could the current hiatus in the warming be due to natural causes: so also could the rapidity of the warming from the 1970s until the late 1990s.'