

Lifetime Supporting Member
Why global cooling is more likely and more dangerous than global warming...
In a warmer world, less energy is needed for heating and transportation, resulting in less air, land, and water pollution. Snow and ice that seriously hamper movement and increase the costs of land and water shipping are reduced. Roads, bridges, and other infrastructure maintenance costs drop, as there would be less freeze/thaw and ice damage. Clothing expenses obviously reduce in a warmer world, and construction costs plummet as less insulation is required in all buildings.
The benefits of warming are especially prominent in agriculture. Longer frost-free periods will extend growing seasons as well as the extent of agriculture in middle- and high-latitude regions. More and greater varieties of food are then possible in areas that are currently agriculturally marginal.
Contrary to the assertions of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a warmer world is a wetter world with less, not more, droughts. This is because evaporation increases with warming, putting more moisture into the atmosphere.

It has been found that the Earth is warmer when the Sun is more active as indicated by sunspot count. Our planet is cooler when there are fewer sunspots. The current 11-year sunspot cycle, Cycle 24, is already showing less spots than predicted, and expectations are for lower numbers still in Cycle 25, expected to start in about ten years. Not surprisingly, global temperatures have leveled and show signs of declining. By the mid- to late 2020s, conditions comparable to the LIA are a distinct possibility. Beginning to plan for adaptation to such a cool period should be a priority for governments. Besides, if you plan for cooling and it warms, adaptation is much easier than if you plan for warming and it cools.

Sorry Bill, but these snippets are just pure ignorance. First and foremost, as a whole it is global warming, but there are some areas that will actually get cooler. A shock, huh? It is climate change that is the issue.

I'll use the midwest as an example of what change is doing. You'd think we aren't that effected, given we don't have to deal with rising oceans or anything related to that. However, the weather patterns have become more intense. Tornado season has seen a marked increase in violent weather, resulting in more property destruction and loss of life. We've seen one town destroyed (Greenville KS) and a large portion of another destroyed (Joplin MO). This isn't normal. In growing season we have seen a marked decrease in rain and an increase in heat tables...otherwise known as drout. To the point that many scientist are worried about a repeat of dustbowl type conditions. Of course with the drout, the cost of food and grain based products are increasing. Maybe you've noticed a pretty significant increase in the price of things such as bread and milk?

Climate change is not something that will be in our future, it is already here. We are woefully unprepared because of people just like you, who deny it even as it is happening.
oh bill. this again?

oh bill. this again?


Since Bill is the only person on my ignore list I cannot read what he posted but I am going with the above as my response as well
I am reminded of an episode from the original Twilight Zone television series I watched yesterday:

Family builds nuclear shelter with four years worth supplies for immediate family only. Neighbors ridicule family, citing the noise of excavators and cement trucks and the countless trips to the shelter. Day comes when unidentified, low-flying objects are spotted; broadcast turns to emergency radio channel and suddenly ... all the neighbors who ridiculed, teased and scoffed at this man's prepping are fighting to get into the shelter and ultimately break down the door, destroying any protection anyone in the shelter could possibly have from outside forces.

Turns out the low-flying objects were ... meteors.

Bill Cihak ... the evidence of polar ice reduction is there. If you don't want to believe it, then please reserve a space for yourself at the nonbelievers table and don't bother everyone else who is trying to make a difference ... have a decent world for our children and grandchildren.

Just remember as that faucet you turned on goes flowing unchecked ... would you also burn cash? Money is a resource. Potable water is more precious. If you wouldn't waste money (you know, on hungry people or disabled need, for instance), why would you waste water?

Create Jobs, Teabagger: buy green products. As the demand for these products rises, so does the need for jobs.