Gi / Uniform Embroidery


Orange Belt
I have been seeing more and more uniforms with kanji on uniforms. I am not talking about patches, I am seeing real embroidery for this.

I'd like to have this done with one of my Ironman Gis and have it say "Isshinryu Karate Do" Like here:

Here are some pictures of what I am talking about show it over the heart on the left side (see attachments):


I also seen some that have the embroidery on their gi under the belt region in the corner on the right side.

My questions:

1.) Is there any past (or modern) etiquette as to what should be there? Your name, style of karate, school name, etc...
2.) Do you have you gi done? If so, where did you have it done?
3.) Are there gi companies that include this service or do I have to get it done?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I haven't been on their website in awhile, but I believe offers embroidery services on gi tops.
I can't answer your other questions, but Tozando also offers embroidery services if you buy a gi from them.
I have been seeing more and more uniforms with kanji on uniforms. I am not talking about patches, I am seeing real embroidery for this.

I also seen some that have the embroidery on their gi under the belt region in the corner on the right side.

My questions:

1.) Is there any past (or modern) etiquette as to what should be there? Your name, style of karate, school name, etc...
2.) Do you have you gi done? If so, where did you have it done?
3.) Are there gi companies that include this service or do I have to get it done?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Certainly the embroidery on uniforms has been around for years. My previous style had the style discretely on the back and an embroidered badge on the breast , others have the style name on the left breast, as in the pictures. In Australia the suppliers of the gi normally can organise it for you although you are charged a setup fee if they don't have what you want on file. I actually had my belt and gi embroidered in Okinawa so it is very common.

On my gi I just have my name on my pants and top. In Okinawa they do that because they normally leave their gi where they train.
I don't know if there's a "proper" thing is to do. I've seen Taekwondo/Hapkido teachers with the style name and their last name (like, "Taekwondo Master Smith") embroidered on the back of the uniform in English or Korean.

Any uniform company should be able to do this for you for an extra charge - at least, I know that Dynamics and Tiger Claw do.
Dynamics will. will as well, at least for hakama and zekken. They sell non-kendo uniforms, so I would assume that they'd offer it for those as well.