Getting to Know you

1. What time do you get up?

about 11am :(

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Living or

Sarah Michelle Gellar ;)

3. Gold or silver?

Silver, definitely.

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?


5. What is your favorite TV show?


6. What do you have for breakfast?

Whatever cereal was buy one get one free last week.

7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?

Dale Winton.

9. What is your middle name?

Don't have a middle name, it was going to be Richard but that would have given me the initials 'IRA' so it was dropped.

10. Beach, City or Country?


11. Favorite ice cream?

Chocolate with chocolate bits in and chocolate sauce in it :)

12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn?


13. Favorite color?


14. What kind of car do you drive?

Nissan Micra

15. Favorite sandwich?

cheese and salad cream.

16. What characteristic do you despise?


18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you

Back to America

19. What color is your bathroom?

which bit of my bathroom!? the sink and that's yellow.

20. Favorite brand of clothing?


21. Where would you like to retire to?

I'm too oung to be thinking about retirement!

23. What did you do for last birthday?

absolutely nothing.

24. Where were you born?

Leeds, England.

25. Favorite sport to watch?

Anything with a bit of **** kicking in it! K1, kickboxing, UFC...don't mind.

26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? (assuming you've sent this on...)


27. Person you expect to send it back first?


28. Coke or Pepsi?

coke, or pepsi max. pepsi max has no sugar but tastes nicest, I don't get it.

30. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

night owl!

31. What is your shoe size?

11 (UK)
1-What type of shoe do you wear?

2-What sort of clothing do you like to wear?

3-Do you like shopping?

4-Favorite restaurant?

5-Elegant china, or mismatched?

6-Left handed or Right handed?

7-Have any pets?

8-Favorite breakfast food?

9-Hand washing, or dishwasher?

10-Wheat bread, white or other?

11-What color looks best on you?

12-Jewelry or not?

13-Perfume, or cologne favorite?

14-Favorite candle scent?

15-Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, or other? (specify)

16-Favorite soup?

17-Favorite name? (M and F)

18-Color eyes?

19-Use for the computer?

20-Name your favorite celebrity.
1-What type of shoe do you wear?

one pair brown leather Doc Martens that I've been wearing for about 7 years.
one pair gray new tennis shoes
one pair gray old tennis shoes (for muddy or wet events)
one pair flip flops
one pair brand water-friendly sandals
one pair nice brown leather sandals (my favorite -- so comfortable)
two pairs black dress shoes
two pairs brown dress shoes

2-What sort of clothing do you like to wear?

Jeans or khakis on bottom
T-shirt on top
Cold days: sweater or fleece on top

They just passed a new rule that we can't wear jeans at work. :( so sad.

3-Do you like shopping?

Yes, when I have the money.

4-Favorite restaurant?

Roma's in Stephens City

5-Elegant china, or mismatched?

Fiestaware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Made right up the street in Newell, WV.
I have an 8 piece set in these colors:
Cobalt Blue

6-Left handed or Right handed?


7-Have any pets?

Midnite, my cat.
Had a dog, Frisky (Lhasa Apso) but he died a while ago

8-Favorite breakfast food?

A big bag of Cheerios which I take and snack on during class.

9-Hand washing, or dishwasher?

My dishwasher sucks, so I just usually handwash.

10-Wheat bread, white or other?

All of it, depending on mood and what else I'm eating.

11-What color looks best on you?

You tell me! :)

12-Jewelry or not?

Yes, only silver (or white gold or plantinum), no yellow gold.

13-Perfume, or cologne favorite?

Someone bought me Rapture for my birthday last year so that is what I wear.

14-Favorite candle scent?

Seasonal ones -- pumpkin spice around Halloween, Christmas spice around Christmas, the cookie ones (gingerbread, sugar cookie, etc.)

15-Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, or other? (specify)

Chick-fil-a!!!!!!!!!! yum.

16-Favorite soup?

Potato, vegetable, that one at the Olive Garden (zuppa tuscana)

17-Favorite name? (M and F)

M-- Ethan
F-- Ellie
I like "E" names because I am one.........I used to want to marry a guy who's last name started with an E so my initals would be EEE.......

18-Color eyes?


19-Use for the computer?

Is there one? Wow, I didn't know that.

20-Name your favorite celebrity.

none of the above
1-What type of shoe do you wear?
Martial Arts shoes that are wearing out.. the entire sole is falling apart :(

Reeboks and Nikes for sneakers..
a pair of sandles that are many years old.. but I likes em :)
wore em in the ocean and they are still holding together~!

2-What sort of clothing do you like to wear?
Would rather not wear such stuff but since I must... I prefer soft clothing.. comfy stuff ..

3-Do you like shopping?
I like flea market and thrift store shopping.. catalogue shopping where I don't spend any money is good too :) I despise Malls and crowded places.. if I have to shop.. I go in.. get what I'm there for and out as fast as I can.. Never NEVER go to Wally world on a Saturday.. specially in these parts.. OMG.. they come outta the Hills in droves ~!!* Scarrrrrrry*

4-Favorite restaurant?
hmmm I haven't been to a 'nice' restaurant in forever.. wonder if they have such things around here *G* Delivery or takeout is usually standard fare..

5-Elegant china, or mismatched?
paper plates :D

6-Left handed or Right handed?
yes I have one of each.. ;)
Tend to use them both. .since I type alot ~!

7-Have any pets?
yesh, Chronuss... oh Animal pets.. Mouse and Sadie.. see Pet section for further info.

8-Favorite breakfast food?
Lunch.. oh.. like cereal eh.. hmmm don't eat breakfast when I first get up sooo.. I like honeycomb cuz you can eat alot of it and low calorie and low fat :)

9-Hand washing, or dishwasher?
even when I had a dishwasher I did them by hand.. I like the feel of the hot water on me..

10-Wheat bread, white or other?
Mood dependant.. Don't care much for bleached flours.. Just think.. it's really "BLEACHED" ack.. I prefer bread with some substance and weight to it.. used to get this stuff back in Western NY called Salt Rising Bread.. oh to die for~!!

11-What color looks best on you?
Red... so I'm told

12-Jewelry or not?
rarely.. though I go through phases.. sometimes I wear it in the summer more so.. can't wear it doing what I do so it stays in the jewelry box.

13-Perfume, or cologne favorite?
Perfumes... I use Obsession when going out .. my sweetpea body spray for daily use.. and for guys cologne.. Blue.. oh yeah ;)

14-Favorite candle scent?
winter time I like cinnamons and rest of year anything with vanilla or subtle sweetness.. I lke musky ones too.

15-Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, or other? (specify) Wendys over the other 2.. but not a burger or sandwich person..

16-Favorite soup?
Anything I make homemade .. :D

17-Favorite name? (M and F)
mood dependant and depending on if I like the person or not.. :D

18-Color eyes?
Cats eyes..very changeable.. sometimes green, sometimes light blue, sometimes yellowish green.. strange bird I be :D

19-Use for the computer?
if I told you.. I would have to kill you ;)

20-Name your favorite celebrity.
I could care less bout celebrities~!!

1-What type of shoe do you wear?


2-What sort of clothing do you like to wear?

Anything comfortable

3-Do you like shopping?


4-Favorite restaurant?

Blue Moon Cafe in Shepherdstown, WV
or Mikasa Japanese Restaurant in Delaware

5-Elegant china, or mismatched?


6-Left handed or Right handed?

Right handed​

7-Have any pets?

Yesh. 2 dogs, 2 cats, mess of fishies

8-Favorite breakfast food?

Breakfast? What is this concept?

9-Hand washing, or dishwasher?


10-Wheat bread, white or other?

Gummy ol' white bread

11-What color looks best on you?

Black or Shades of blue or Shades of purple

12-Jewelry or not?

Evanescence choker

13-Perfume, or cologne favorite?

no perfumes, they bother my sinuses
men's cologne -- Nautica or Adidas

14-Favorite candle scent?

Any of those Yankee Candle scents

15-Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, or other? (specify)


16-Favorite soup?

no preference

17-Favorite name? (M and F) preference...something Unique

18-Color eyes?

No preference, as long as I can look into them and see the universe.

19-Use for the computer?

Random internet crap and writing.

20-Name your favorite celebrity.

Johnny Depp

..but I still say Tim Curry could have been a great Capt'n Jack Sparrow!
1. What time do you get up? Between 7 and 7:30am
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Living or
Dead? My grandfather. It was the darkest day of my life when he passed away, and I'd love to talk to him one last time, to tell him somethings I never could before...
3. Gold or silver? Titanium
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? LotR: Return of the King. Didn't everyone??
5. What is your favorite TV show? Las Vegas
6. What do you have for breakfast? Usually a glass of milk and a Banana if I remember to grab them at the store
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Bolo Yeung on a cranky day
9. What is your middle name? Anthony
10. Beach, City or Country? Beach
11. Favorite ice cream? Pralines and Cream
12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Butter AND salted
13. Favorite color? Black
14. What kind of car do you drive? Lincoln Mark VIII
15. Favorite sandwich? Roast Beef and Munster cheese
16. What characteristic do you despise? Blind Faith
18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go? Edinburgh, Scotland. Visit the roots of my lineage
19. What color is your bathroom? White and Navy Blue
20. Favorite brand of clothing? What ever is on the rack and fits.
21. Where would you like to retire to? Vegas or Reno
23. What did you do for last birthday? Spent the day with my parents and grandmother
24. Where were you born? Pleading the 5th
25. Favorite sport to watch? UFC
26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? (assuming you've sent this on...) I was supposed to send this somewhere??
27. Person you expect to send it back first? Refer to 26
28. Coke or Pepsi? Sprite
30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night Owl, with pronounced Vampiric tendencies
31. What is your shoe size? 13-14

As a sidenote, why can't we use normal HTML tags in posts? Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere?
1-What type of shoe do you wear?
Appropriate to the function

2-What sort of clothing do you like to wear?
Appropriate to the function

3-Do you like shopping?

4-Favorite restaurant?
Where I am eating - I was hungry ;)

5-Elegant china, or mismatched?
Mismatched - and Coke Patterns

6-Left handed or Right handed?

7-Have any pets?
Yes - Cat

8-Favorite breakfast food?
Fruit - Fresh

9-Hand washing, or dishwasher?
Yes, I hand wash and then put into the dishwasher to sterilize :D

10-Wheat bread, white or other?

11-What color looks best on you?

AKA Dark Colors

12-Jewelry or not?

13-Perfume, or cologne favorite?

14-Favorite candle scent?
15-Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, or other? (specify)
Arby's Fesh Market Turkey and Swiss minus the Mayo :)

16-Favorite soup?
Chicken Lemon RIce

17-Favorite name? (M and F)

18-Color eyes?

19-Use for the computer?
Bills - music - games - Martial arts sites ;)

20-Name your favorite celebrity.
I cannot she has a restraining order against me ;) Just kidding
Now, Tess. If I answered these things it would completely blow the air of mystique that I've worked so hard all these years to cultivate. :uhyeah:
1-What type of shoe do you wear?

Leather boots.

2-What sort of clothing do you like to wear?

Jeans and a t-shirt, if you see me in a shirt i've either got an interview, someone's died or it's someone's birthday!

3-Do you like shopping?

For what!? Food/clothes/boring stuff no, gadgets or DVDs yes!

4-Favorite restaurant?

I don't like restraunts. Paying a lot for soemthing I can just warm up in the oven myself for 1/4 of the cost doesn't appeal to me. Plus, it may involve wearing a shirt!

5-Elegant china, or mismatched?

Not fussy, as long as it stops my peas rolling off the table who cares!

6-Left handed or Right handed?

Right handed. My Dad is ambidextrous but sadly I don't seem to have inherited that; shame really as I'm sure it could lead to a lot of interesting MA study.

7-Have any pets?

Nope. My Mum hates animals and would never allow me to have anything apart from fish when I was growing up, so, naturally, I tried to keep lots of fish. Sadly I'm crap at it and they all did so now I live on my own with no animals, people nor nothing!

8-Favorite breakfast food?

Crunch corner.

9-Hand washing, or dishwasher?

If I had room for a dishwasher and I could afford a dishwasher I'd buy one. Since I have neither I have to hand wash but I hate it!

10-Wheat bread, white or other?

White. Can't stand that bread with bloody seeds and nuts and bits in, what's that all about!?

11-What color looks best on you?

Nothing, I'm fugly!

12-Jewelry or not?

None. I hate all this bling bling crap, only Mr. T. could pull that off without looking daft!

13-Perfume, or cologne favorite?

Don't wear it, I feel too self concious if I smell strongly of any kind of scent.

14-Favorite candle scent?

Is that quesition for the ladies? ;)

15-Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, or other? (specify)

Burger King, it's hotter than McDonald's although it still tastes terrible!

16-Favorite soup?

Lamb and vegetable.

17-Favorite name? (M and F)

I always though Rebecca was a nice name, never really thought about boys name to be honest.

18-Color eyes?


19-Use for the computer?

I'm a complete geek, you really don't wantme to list all the things I do on a PC! let's just say lots, most of them very sad!

20-Name your favorite celebrity

Favourite in what way I wonder! For entertainment Jackie Chan, if you mean which laydees I'll happily sit and watch then it's Buffy every time for me!
1. What time do you get up?
Depends on the day, MWF it's at 7:30, Thursday it's 8:30, and on any other day if I'm up before 11am, I get grumpy.

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Living or

3. Gold or silver?
Silver or white gold.

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Kill Bill Vol. I.

5. What is your favorite TV show?
I like me my animé, but The Shield's a close second.

6. What do you have for breakfast?

7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?
I shall refrain from answering this.

9. What is your middle name?

10. Beach, City or Country?
city near a beach.

11. Favorite ice cream?
Orange pineapple...mmm.

12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn?

13. Favorite color?
black...until they make something darker.

14. What kind of car do you drive?
four cylinder rice burner. :)

15. Favorite sandwich?
er... :idunno:

16. What characteristic do you despise?

18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go?

19. What color is your bathroom?

20. Favorite brand of clothing?
I'm a bargain shopper.

21. Where would you like to retire to?
...isn't it a law that you have to retire to Florida?

23. What did you do for last birthday?
ate ice cream cake. :)

24. Where were you born?
Charles Town, WV.

25. Favorite sport to watch?
I guess football...not a big sports buff.

26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? (assuming you've sent this on...) :idunno:

27. Person you expect to send it back first?
see question 26.

28. Coke or Pepsi?

30. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
hoot, hoot.

31. What is your shoe size?
12.5 W

1-What type of shoe do you wear?
er...whatever'll fit my foot.

2-What sort of clothing do you like to wear?
jeans and t-shirt.

3-Do you like shopping?
yeah...for electronics. :)

4-Favorite restaurant?
Olive Garden... :fanboy:

5-Elegant china, or mismatched?
dude...paper plates work...long as they're in a stack. :)

6-Left handed or Right handed?

7-Have any pets?
not anymore.

8-Favorite breakfast food?
pancakes and sausage

9-Hand washing, or dishwasher?
the reason my parents had me was so that they didn't have to go buy a dishwasher...

10-Wheat bread, white or other?
long as there's bread in the house, I'm happy.

11-What color looks best on you?
I dunno. :idunno:

12-Jewelry or not?
yeah, I wear jewelry. silver chain, bracelet, watch, signet ring, and on occassion pinky ring. ;)

13-Perfume, or cologne favorite?
...other people always tell me which one to wear. :idunno:

14-Favorite candle scent?

15-Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, or other? (specify)
doesn't matter to me.

16-Favorite soup?
Pasta E Fagioli or beef vegetable.

17-Favorite name? (M and F)
not havin' children...ever...ever...can't make me.

18-Color eyes?

19-Use for the computer? this rhetorical...

20-Name your favorite celebrity.
1. What time do you get up? 7, reluctantly
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Living or
Dead? Yoda
3. Gold or silver? wrought iron
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
5. What is your favorite TV show? Alias
6. What do you have for breakfast? Waffles
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Richard Simmons
9. What is your middle name? Abner
10. Beach, City or Country? Beach
11. Favorite ice cream? Chocolate and Peanut Butter
12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Butter and salt
13. Favorite color? Blue, baby. Blue.
14. What kind of car do you drive? Dodge Avenger
15. Favorite sandwich? BBQ
16. What characteristic do you despise? Racism
18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you
go? Okinawa or Bali
19. What color is your bathroom? White with green floor tiles
20. Favorite brand of clothing? Cheap :D
21. Where would you like to retire to? FL
23. What did you do for last birthday? Nuthin :(
24. Where were you born? Nashville, TN
25. Favorite sport to watch? College Basketball or racing
26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? (assuming you've sent this on...) Dolph Lundgren
27. Person you expect to send it back first? Winston Churchill
28. Coke or Pepsi? Coffee
30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl
31. What is your shoe size?7.5

Wow that was quicker to fill out than I thought!
1-What type of shoe do you wear? these brown Sketchers I've had for years

2-What sort of clothing do you like to wear? non descript

3-Do you like shopping? No...

4-Favorite restaurant? Thai Garden

5-Elegant china, or mismatched? Really cool looking Nautica china.

6-Left handed or Right handed? Right

7-Have any pets? A wonderful dog named Mattie and a cool cat named Ivory

8-Favorite breakfast food? The Smokehouse Breakfast at Cracker Barrel

9-Hand washing, or dishwasher? Do you even need to ask? :D

10-Wheat bread, white or other? White. Tastes so much better.

11-What color looks best on you? Blue, baby. Blue.

12-Jewelry or not? Nah.

13-Perfume, or cologne favorite? Nothing but a smile. :)

14-Favorite candle scent? Ehhh....

15-Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, or other? (specify) Wendys.

16-Favorite soup? Chicken noodle? Wow these questions are obscure! :D

17-Favorite name? (M and F) M - Leon. F - Claudia

18-Color eyes? Mine? Blue.

19-Use for the computer? info and fun.

20-Name your favorite celebrity.Depends on what for? Musician? Wes Montgomery. Hottie? Eva Mendez. Coolness? Danny Devito.
1-What type of shoe do you wear? Cowboy Boots, Tactical boots (when on duty), Loafers.

2-What sort of clothing do you like to wear? Jeans, t-shirts, polo-shirts etc.

3-Do you like shopping? NO! unless it's for a new gun or knife

4-Favorite restaurant? I'm not picky

5-Elegant china, or mismatched? how 'bout mismatched china?

6-Left handed or Right handed? Right

7-Have any pets? used to have a dog.

8-Favorite breakfast food? cereal or bagels

9-Hand washing, or dishwasher? dishwasher (she's a real good worker...j/k)

10-Wheat bread, white or other? Wheat

11-What color looks best on you? Black or other dark colors

12-Jewelry or not? Wristwatch only

13-Perfume, or cologne favorite? whatever my mom gives me for Christmas

14-Favorite candle scent? Vanilla

15-Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, or other? (specify) Sonic

16-Favorite soup? Chicken-noodle

17-Favorite name? (M and F) M: James F: Marie (I have no idea why...)

18-Color eyes? Hazel

19-Use for the computer? fighting boredom

20-Name your favorite celebrity. ?
1. What time do you get up? 8:00 m w f 7:30 t r Late as I can sat sun
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Living or
Dead?Don't know
3. Gold or silver? eh
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Can't think of the name of it but it was kind of funny
5. What is your favorite TV show? Don't have one but I like animie
6. What do you have for breakfast? Nobakes(chocalate oatmeal cookieish things but not really cookieish sort of vaugely healthy)
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? So many people... it might get fun though :boxing:
9. What is your middle name? Alister
10. Beach, City or Country?Some times one sometimes the other rarely beach
11. Favorite ice cream? yes
12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? yes
13. Favorite color? Blue
14. What kind of car do you drive? Don't
15. Favorite sandwich? Lots of cheese and vegetables and no meat
16. What characteristic do you despise? Those who try to imposte and don't listen
18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you
go? Away from here
19. What color is your bathroom? white its an apt.
20. Favorite brand of clothing? Cheap fits and comfertable
21. Where would you like to retire to? Retire I'm only 19 thats tofar away.
23. What did you do for last birthday? School lunch back to school Grocery shoping bed.
24. Where were you born? Louisville KY
25. Favorite sport to watch? I'd rather play'em
26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? (assuming you've sent this on...)yes or was it no
27. Person you expect to send it back first? oh I know this one no
28. Coke or Pepsi? niether
30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? night
31. What is your shoe size? sometimes 12 somethimes 13 depends on who makes'em
For the New Members and if you've already answered.. check to see if anything has changed in your likes etc :)
1. What time do you get up? Usually around 7:15, but that depends on when the kid gets up....
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Living or
Dead? Living.
3. Gold or silver? Yellow Gold
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? It's been so long, I honestly don't recall.
5. What is your favorite TV show? Frasier
6. What do you have for breakfast? Coffee
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Fran Drescher
9. What is your middle name? Aden
10. Beach, City or Country? Country
11. Favorite ice cream? Chocolate
12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Salt, lotsa butter.
13. Favorite color? Royal Blue
14. What kind of car do you drive? Pontiac Grand Prix
15. Favorite sandwich? Anything with bacon.
16. What characteristic do you despise? Stupidity
18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you
go? Moose Jaw
19. What color is your bathroom? White and grey, I think.
20. Favorite brand of clothing? I'm rather impartial. Brands of clothing mean nothing to me - there's no practicality in caring.
21. Where would you like to retire to? Space
23. What did you do for last birthday? I partied hard at a friend's place, I think we had a pit fire.... my memory's a little hazy on that one.
24. Where were you born? Regina General Hospital.
25. Favorite sport to watch? Usually hockey, but with the current strike, NFL.
26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? (assuming you've sent this on...)N/A
27. Person you expect to send it back first? N/A
28. Coke or Pepsi? Always Coca-cola.
30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? More of a night owl than a morning person - honestly, neither. I'm an afternooner.
31. What is your shoe size? Well, this is getting a little personal, isn't it? 10.
1. What time do you get up?
6 am
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Living or
Bruce Lee or Sun Tzu I think that would be awsome.
3. Gold or silver?
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Forgotten
5. What is your favorite TV show?
Family Guy
6. What do you have for breakfast?
Whatevers in teh fridge
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?
People who think they know everything
9. What is your middle name?
10. Beach, City or Country?
11. Favorite ice cream?
Mint Chocolate Chip
12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn?
13. Favorite color?
Orange and Blue
14. What kind of car do you drive?
To poor for a Car
15. Favorite sandwich?
Turkey,Lettuce,Cheddar Cheese, Miracle whip and sour dough
16. What characteristic do you despise?
18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you
Japan or australia
19. What color is your bathroom?
White and Black
20. Favorite brand of clothing?
Whatever is cheap and durable
21. Where would you like to retire to?
My house and my bed for sleeping time
23. What did you do for last birthday?
Had dinner
24. Where were you born?
Houston Texas
25. Favorite sport to watch?
Hockey and MArtial Arts competition(except XMA its stupid)
26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? (assuming you've sent this on...)
ummmmmmmm I dont know
27. Person you expect to send it back first?
ummmmmmmm I dont know
28. Coke or Pepsi?
30. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Both I dont sleep much
31. What is your shoe size?
15 mens
1.What time do you get up? 7 amÂ… or later if I can get away with it.
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Living or
Dead? I would love the chance to have lunch with my grandfather again. I hold many fond memories of going out for lunch with him.

3. Gold or silver? gold
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Harry Potter 3
5. What is your favorite TV show? CSI the original

6. What do you have for breakfast? Coffee

7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? HmmÂ… donÂ’t know

9. What is your middle name? Mary

10. Beach, City or Country? Beach
11. Favorite ice cream? Vanilla
12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Butter and salt
13. Favorite color? Red.
14. What kind of car do you drive? Chevy Silverado
15. Favorite sandwich? Turkey and bacon
16. What characteristic do you despise? Racism
18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you
go? Australia/New Zealand
19. What color is your bathroom? Beige
20. Favorite brand of clothing? DonÂ’t have one
21. Where would you like to retire to? Somewhere warm
23. What did you do for last birthday? Out for dinner with friends

24. Where were you born? Thompson, MB, Canada
25. Favorite sport to watch? Curling
26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? ???

27. Person you expect to send it back first? ???

28. Coke or Pepsi? Diet Pepsi :D

30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Neither, I am cranky all the time ;)

31. What is your shoe size? 8.5

and another :D

1-What type of shoe do you wear? Runners and sandals

2-What sort of clothing do you like to wear?
Jeans, t-shirts

3-Do you like shopping?
Yup, love buying gifts for people

4-Favorite restaurant?
As long as I donÂ’t have to cookÂ… I donÂ’t care :D

5-Elegant china, or mismatched?
Not a china kinda girl

6-Left handed or Right handed?

7-Have any pets?
Yup, dog and a chinchilla

8-Favorite breakfast food?

9-Hand washing, or dishwasher?

10-Wheat bread, white or other?

11-What color looks best on you?

12-Jewelry or not?
Wedding band

13-Perfume, or cologne favorite?
Changes every so often, right now it is Splendor

14-Favorite candle scent?

15-Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, or other? (specify)

16-Favorite soup?
Cream of Mushroom

17-Favorite name? (M and F)
no real preference

18-Color eyes?

19-Use for the computer?
Filling out stupid online surverys ;)

20-Name your favorite celebrity.
DonÂ’t have one


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