Getting rid of bruises

drinking pineapple juice will make them go away quicker - I've tried it - it works! fresh pineapple juice is the best but canned will work too.
Thats a sweet story Tez. Unfortunately I do not know any secret remedies to get rid of bruises but hopefully someone else's advice in this thread can help you.
There are plenty of Arcane Potions containing Unspeakable Eldritch Ingredients that help with bruises. Some of the bruise Jaos are very good. Uncle Mushtaq's Balur Silat that I make and sell - please forgive me for tooting my own horn here - works very well.
I see alot of peopel talknig about badges of honor and what not but I think the main concern of getting rid of the bruises IMO, is for someone in my situation where you are working in a public facing position (Sales) or in a professional office environment where you don't exactly want to be all bloodied and bruised up when making a presentation to the Executive VP of Sales etc..........

TO echo many posts in this thread, I also agree to find a good Jow recipe and use :) It works wonders.
I start with ice for the first day, and then switch to Dit Dat Jow the next day, after the swelling has subsided. This method has worked wonderfully well for many years, and as long as I can still get this same formula of Jow, I'll continue to use it.

Ahem... The first rule of Fight Club...

The first rule of Fight Club is, no smoki... no wait, ummm...

I also use this method, bit of ice, then DDJ rubbed in well. Although my current batch is running pretty low.

I tried to buy the individual ingrediants to make my own once. Went to said local Chinese herbalist, only for him to tell me that one of the ingrediants was "a deer", and started doing deer impressions complete with hands on top of head pretending to be antlers. I just buy it online now.

Edited to add: I read in the paper that a lot of English Rugby clubs are encouraging their players to drink aloe vera as it reduces inflamation and swelling and is amazingly good for the joints. Apparently. Might also be worth a try, I have to say though, I've tried it in the past, and it's pretty "Bleurghh".
Find a better guard that suits you, elevate your position while striking as if there's a glass of water on your head (which means, don't bend over), and use good head movement.
Proteolytic enzymes...bromolein and papain. Taken 1/2 hr before meals.

It might be tacky to quote myself, but I'm going to do it anyway. Pineapple juice contains the enzyme Bromelein. It gets in the bloodstream, and digests free-floating prootien bits...specifically in bruises, the blood that seeped when you bled internally (what a bruise is).

Papain, the sister enzyme in papayas, is also great for this. Hence, many companies put them in the same capsule. Add Vitamin C and a chelated copper suplement to improve the integrity of the blood vessels, and you're gold.
For any minor facial injuries (i.e. bruises, not ones where the skin has been torn or there is suspicion of more serious injury) at the school I work at we give the kids a warm pad to hold on the bruised area and some juice to sip.

The pads are filled with gel and can either be heated in a microwave or chilled in a fridge to make a versatile and flexible treatment.

We used them chilled for injuries such as sprained ankles and warmed up for bruising and if a child complains of ear- or tooth-ache.

Personally, I like my martial arts bruises - they remind me to train harder and work on not getting any next time when sparring. :D