Getting pushed in the street into on coming traffic


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
I've said some big talk before about how I would want the option to push my attacker in to traffic, rather than him having it. It was something that I did in Australia, but I didn't actually push the person, it didn't get to that point. But I did make sure that if anyone was going to have that option, that it would be me and not him.

It sounds cruel and criminal, but just because you may not do it, doesn't mean the guy that you are arguing with won't. It's ok if you aren't the type that would do this. But only be that type of person when you are the one with option of pushing someone into traffic. If your attacker has that option then you need to assume that's a possibility because people will do things like that. This isn't worst of it as some people get pushed into on coming trains

Having the option means you get to determine how that plays out. It's your choice. When you don't have that option , it means you are either no where near the traffic, which is good, or it means your attacker has positioned you where he can push you into traffic. The videos don't show people fighting. If it's easy to for it to happen in these scenarios then you can imagine what could happen if people are in a heated argument. The over all goal is to not put yourself in a position where this possible. Don't give that other person who is aggressive towards you, the option to push you into traffic.
I've said some big talk before about how I would want the option to push my attacker in to traffic, rather than him having it. It was something that I did in Australia, but I didn't actually push the person, it didn't get to that point. But I did make sure that if anyone was going to have that option, that it would be me and not him.

It sounds cruel and criminal, but just because you may not do it, doesn't mean the guy that you are arguing with won't. It's ok if you aren't the type that would do this. But only be that type of person when you are the one with option of pushing someone into traffic. If your attacker has that option then you need to assume that's a possibility because people will do things like that. This isn't worst of it as some people get pushed into on coming trains

Having the option means you get to determine how that plays out. It's your choice. When you don't have that option , it means you are either no where near the traffic, which is good, or it means your attacker has positioned you where he can push you into traffic. The videos don't show people fighting. If it's easy to for it to happen in these scenarios then you can imagine what could happen if people are in a heated argument. The over all goal is to not put yourself in a position where this possible. Don't give that other person who is aggressive towards you, the option to push you into traffic.
Well, I guess I get what you are saying but I certainly hope you are not intending to do what the people in the videos did. They were totally unprovoked. Some real pieces of shxx right there.
The first video does show just how tough the human body is. I thought that guy was going to be popped like a pumpkin and he got up from the impact.
I certainly hope you are not intending to do what the people in the videos did.
For me. If anyone is going to have the option, it will be me and not the person trying to hurt me. I can say for certainty that I don't need to do such a thing in a confrontation, being that I had someone in that position but didn't need to, but I can't say for certainty that no one would do that to me.

Heck no. I don't do anything unprovoked. I'm a highly protective person by nature (DNA). I'm the type of person where if I did something horrible, that people who know me would first say. "that guy must have done something to him, in order for him to respond that way."

Unfortunately humans can be evil. I don't put anything beyond a human, good or bad. The sad part is that this type of behavior happens more often than what people realize. The most recent case that I know of happened last month where a man pushed his wife into oncoming traffic.

Yeah I'm glad the human bodies are tough. I had something similar happen to me (not the push but landing in front of a vehicle like that), but the car didn't run me over, thank God. I was cycling and my tires slipped and I landed in front of the car. My head was lined up with the front right side of the car. I remember falling, and looking at the tread of the car. The last thing that went through my mind was "This is going to hurt." I had my feet strapped in, and there was no way for me to get out the way fast enough.
That is a Peterbilt or Kenworth tractor. The tractor alone weighs right at 20,000 pounds. You cannot tell if there is a trailer with/without a load attached. A machine that weight is not going to bounce over a body, more likely it would barely feel it. Plus the tractor tires locked up, hard. I can only imagine the road rash the poor guy had.
Not to downplay your incident but that is one very lucky man.
Fun fact, plenty of people are assiniated via pushing onto railway lines and into roads etc. Part of the reason the yellow line exists, or you should stand near it unless the train is stopped and boarding. Skimmed up, yeah they might be legit murder/assisnation attempts. There was a video circulating of somone trying to kill someone that way who was grabbed when someone saw them run into someone.

Pretty sure this will get you slapped with murder/mansluaghter/GBH would it not? So best leave it for lethal force, for thats what it is, unless you have a legal defence on medical grounds. It is a enviromental weapon and something you should keep a eye on both to use it, avoid someone trying to kill you and avoid somone trying to run you over intentionally.
Yeah, even if I have that option, it would have to be a very extreme situation for me to choose to do something like that to another human being.
Yeah, even if I have that option, it would have to be a very extreme situation for me to choose to do something like that to another human being.
And your statement is why you should have the option, because there's no guarantee that your attacker would feel the same way about you if he has the option.
Environmental awareness should be a huge part of any self-defense strategy. Looking for things like this to avoid or use to your advantage if the circumstances dictate it. To include, where are the emergency exits when you are in a building. How far are you to the nearest exit, is there anything between you and your escape route. What in your immediate surroundings could be used against you, or used by you?

In one of the classes I took we looked at a police use of force in which the officer pushed a suspect into the path of a semi. Short story, the guy had severely beat the officer and was choking him out and as a last ditch effort the officer used what he had to push him into traffic. It was deemed a lethal force scenario, so it was justified.

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