hit him in the back!

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white dragon

ok just to follow on from the running away thread I was wondering how people would attack someone from behind. this stems from a dream I had in which my girlfriend was being attacked by 3 guys, one with his back to me, and two to his left and right, standing side on with my girlfriend in the middle.

My reaction was to run in and take the guy with his back to me out first, but I just couldn't think of the most effective way to do it. I didn't want to kill the guy so the option of snapping his neck from behind didn't appeal, and the option of hitting with a flying sidekick would mean he'd go flying into my girlfriend and also I could land badly etc.

I don't normally have thoughts about hitting people in the back I should just point out, it just seemed the obvious thing in this situation. Does anyoe train to attack people from behind? Either to imoblise them or cause them serious damage?
ummmm how about a good hard uppercut or front kick to the kiddneys or maybe a forearm to the base of the skull as you rush past him... maybe a good low round house ala muay thai to the back of his knees
I actually had this happen twice.
Incident 1) I basically grabbed him by the hair (crown) and pulled his head back while applying a trap kick to the back of the knee, causing him to fall helplessly backward onto his head and hyperextending his trapped leg.

Incident 2) Single opponent breaking into my car.With my left hand positioned below the center of his back at the same time reaching around and grabbing his shirt lapel opposite the side I was reaching; and pulling back. Which causes him to fall backward while his shirt is stretched across his throat applying a make shift choke hold. He eventually will try to free his neck but he can't because his head is being pressed forward by my chest. Works every time.
I like a jumping knee lift to shock the right/left kidney and surrounding organs, followed by a left/right downward elbow to the posterior midline (GV16). That should take him out of the picture. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
One guy I'd walk up behind him, and use my arm to put him in a choke hold will using my hip to knock out is center of gravity. From there it's childs play to take him down to a sitting position in the choke hold. Where I can either use pain to make him lay down on the ground or just cut of the blood supply to his brain and put him out cold.

More then one guy. Well sorry bud, your fault for making me do this. I'd probably either do a really low turning kick and break the first guys knee sideways. Or hit him with a rev. knife hand to that pressure point in your lat. Can't remember the name right now. That would drop him to his knees or even knock him out if done right. Followed by an open fist to the base of the skull. From there I'd just fight dirty to deal with the other two. Target knees, groin, eyes, throat, etc.
Rear naked choked and tell the guys buddies your going break his neck if they don't move from your girlfriend.
if these guys dont know youre coming, then party on! all you have to do is hit em hard. any technique would work as long as it includes something really painful. you can take two unsuspecting assailants out in less than a second if they are within reach of eachother, the third person might become alert at this point, and do whatever it is that you do best.

ps. dont sweat it, i cant even run in my dreams:)
You put a key in his throat! Push away your girlfriend to face the others: key-jab them! NEVER mess with my girlfriend. :angry:

Just an idea....hit the one facing away with a reverse shuto(knife edge) up between the legs, kick one of the other's in the knee, and then concentrate on #3. You'd have to be accurate and quick, but it would be effective.:D
Lance Hyatt
If someone needs your help and you know you can go ahead, because if you don't then why do you do martial arts. You know
it's kind of like a doctor, he has the skill to save lifes. If he let's
someone die he is not going to look good at all.

Thank You


"You should be ready for anything at all times, if they don't know to bad"

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