getting in trouble

i live in a small town in texas if someone come up to me on the street and try to rob me can i defend myself
There are many places in Texas where you can learn about the laws of self defense there. To get that specific in a forum like this is impractical.

In general principles, if someone is trying to rob or attack you, you may be able to legally defend yourself, if your response is within reason. There are several threads in the General Self Defense forum that address these issues at length.
basicly if i defend myself for a good reason i cant get in trouble

Even if you do everything right, you may be arrested, and you may argue self defense at trial. Then it's up to a jury or judge...

Even if you aren't arrested, you may find yourself sued. Cops who kill someone attacking them are commonly sued... even if the shooting was ruled completely justified.

If you can't accept that this is possible, buy yourself a sheep costume and don't train in self-defense oriented martial arts.
basicly if i defend myself for a good reason i cant get in trouble

Again, the police might not be the one to figure out whether the reason was good, or who started what with whom. They may well decide to let a judge or jury figure it all out and arrest and book both parties.

Go to Amazon and get a used copy of Marc MacYoung's book "A Professional's Guide To Ending Violence Quickly: How Bouncers, Bodyguards, and other Security Professionals Handle Ugly Situations" He goes into quite a bit about how screwed you can get for defending yourself and some tips on how to avoid ending up in jail. I'm sure there are other books on this subject that you can read as well to give you an idea.
Except we keep resurrecting to see if we are done with it. . . :)

Maybe we should just bump this one once a week for a year and see how it goes . . .

(just kidding!)