Getting an Education

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Originally posted by Quick Sand
It was a music class by the way. He's a really funny guy, always very philosophical.

yeah...I don't think this is any worse than Dr. Best naming his two-meter meter stick Stormbringer, his meter stick with electrical tape holding it together Phobos, or the yard stick Deimos...
Originally posted by Chronuss
yeah...I don't think this is any worse than Dr. Best naming his two-meter meter stick Stormbringer, his meter stick with electrical tape holding it together Phobos, or the yard stick Deimos...
This is higher? education?
Originally posted by Quick Sand
I had a prof who used to say so many strange things that one of the girls in the class started keeping a daily journal and and the end of the year she emailed it to the class. It was 11 pages type written. Three years later it's still circling around because the same prof still teaches the first year course that everyone has to take.

He often says things like:

"I suppose if you look at a skunk's head you wouldn't be able to tell if it's a skunk or an otter. If you look at it from the snout, you'll be able to tell, yes, it's a skunk. You look at the skunk and run your fingers through it's luxurious fur."


"This is not mathematics anymore than your love life is mathematics."


"Have rivers ceased to flow? Life doesn't make any sense anymore."

It was a music class by the way. He's a really funny guy, always very philosophical.

I think one of my favourites, however, was:

"Does everyone see the trap he's set up?" (While blocking the overhead.) :rofl:

What's up w/ music teachers?? In high school, my music teach said the stupidest, most retarded jokes ever. I think one girl wrote them down when he said them, and had about 6 or more pages by the time she graduated...:rolleyes:
He started vids for my class cuz the Prof is in Chile, and he was reading the back and was like "This is so depressing...and filming Kansas. Why Kansas? I might have to put Star Wars in tomorrow or something."

:D But don't bad-mouth Spidey around the guy...
Originally posted by Chronuss
yes...if Spidy is badmouthed...he might just push you into a worm hole or somethin'...

Me thinks he's been playing with the worm hole lately...i've seen him zip around Byrd faster than you can name the moons of Jupiter...
My Professor: Every class has its own personality.

Me: And what would you say our class's personality is?

My Professor: Bart Simpson.
Originally posted by edhead2000
My Professor: Every class has its own personality.

Me: And what would you say our class's personality is?

My Professor: Bart Simpson.


It's true, every class does have its own personality.
MY favorite was my archeology prof demonstrating how a ape walks compared to a human. Or maybe explaining what an ithyphalic state is.
our anthro prof is duller than faded paint on the sunny-side of a villa....however, he did wear a hawaiian shirt one day and scare everyone...

and i've been warned about my history prof...he'll only button his shirt half-way when it's hot...*twitch*
My archeology prof. allways wears a hawaiian shirt. Its pretty funny usually. Test for 20% of my grade today though. Should have slept more last night.
From my Asthma in Special Pops lecture yesterday.......

My Professor: "Today we're going to talk about asthma in pregnancy.....first thing you need to know about pregnancy -- only women can get it. All right, now you know it all."
..whew....that's a load off my worried for a minute...

I was watching a standup comic the other night...and he said when he gets depressed or down...take a pregnancy test...that way you can always say "At least I'm not pregnant..."...and have a better day...:shrug:
Now that would be a pretty expensive "cheer up" if you were depressed a lot. Those things are damn expensive for a stick!
Originally posted by Chronuss
...I personally wouldn't know...don't think I've had to worry about becoming pregnant. :shrug:

Me neither.......but I work in a pharmacy :)
Originally posted by Chronuss
...I personally wouldn't know...don't think I've had to worry about becoming pregnant. :shrug:
I'm glad you and Randy use protection.