GERD/Acid reflux

Oddly, tea doesn't affect me much, whilst coffee really affects me. I've since substituted coffee for tea...
Makes me wonder if I should try decaf coffee though. My theory is that acid is the bigger trigger for me, and tea is less acidic than coffee, whilst caffeine is largely irrelevant, but I could be wrong.
I don't know what the decaffeination process involves, though. Perhaps it makes the coffee less acidic.

Caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee, no difference for me, both cause reflux. It was the trigger I was talking about, decaf coffee. However, I too can drink tea. But I am more of a tea drinker than coffee drinker

But not everyones triggers are exactly the same
So went to the docs, and he definitely thought reflux was occurring, but was concerned about both sides under the ribs hurting, so sent me away to get ultrasounds and blood test. Thought maybe something potentially with the gall bladder was up, which can influence reflux.

Got results back today, blood tests all clear, no vitamin deficiency, no sign of diabetes, all levels pretty normal, except strangely my cholesterol was a bit on the higher side. That really threw me quite a bit! But anyway. Ultrasound results all clear too. Liver, kidneys, aorta all looking good, gall bladder good too and no sign of any stones. So in conclusion most likely reflux! He got me started on a stronger tablet on Monday and I do feel an improvement. Still getting some pain and discomfort but still a noticeable improvement.

So there ya go. Still, the cholesterol result has thrown me haha. How could that even be.. but all in all a good result and nothing life-threatening or severe.
So went to the docs, and he definitely thought reflux was occurring, but was concerned about both sides under the ribs hurting, so sent me away to get ultrasounds and blood test. Thought maybe something potentially with the gall bladder was up, which can influence reflux.

Got results back today, blood tests all clear, no vitamin deficiency, no sign of diabetes, all levels pretty normal, except strangely my cholesterol was a bit on the higher side. That really threw me quite a bit! But anyway. Ultrasound results all clear too. Liver, kidneys, aorta all looking good, gall bladder good too and no sign of any stones. So in conclusion most likely reflux! He got me started on a stronger tablet on Monday and I do feel an improvement. Still getting some pain and discomfort but still a noticeable improvement.

So there ya go. Still, the cholesterol result has thrown me haha. How could that even be.. but all in all a good result and nothing life-threatening or severe.
Glad nothing more serious turned up - hopefully the new meds help. Remember the pain may just take a while to come down - that tissue is probably pretty irritated.

Out of curiosity, which cholesterol was high?
Glad nothing more serious turned up - hopefully the new meds help. Remember the pain may just take a while to come down - that tissue is probably pretty irritated.

Out of curiosity, which cholesterol was high?
Thanks man.

You know I really wish I'd asked! He just said the general level, but if my HDL level is higher that ain't a bad thing at all! I eat really well so it's rather puzzling, but other factors contribute to cholesterol levels too I guess.
Thanks man.

You know I really wish I'd asked! He just said the general level, but if my HDL level is higher that ain't a bad thing at all! I eat really well so it's rather puzzling, but other factors contribute to cholesterol levels too I guess.
Yeah, and it helps you figure out what needs changing. My LDL went up when my activity level went down during Covid closures. Haven't had it tested again yet, but I suspect the new job fixed that.
How terribly unpleasant, I’m sorry to hear you’re suffering.

I sometimes suffer acid reflux when I have a bit of stress and find Omeperazole works really well. I also take Gaviscon regularly through the day whether when I’m acutely suffering or not and this seems to keep it under control. I also gulp a water to wash the ‘acid foam’ that’s been refluxed into the lower part of my oesophagus. Amongst the most potent stimulators of gastric acid are milk and alcohol (just like the song!) so avoid those.

Also, avoid chilli-eating contests 😉
Haven't read the whole thread but I have this too. I had heartburn a lot but the tell tale signs are also your teeth. My dentist noticed it & I had a stomach check up in Hospital with the camera. Was causing damage & I was given medication. The valve or muscle doesn't close properly. There's an operation for it too if needed. The normal advice is lose weight & diet but I've never been overweight.
How terribly unpleasant, I’m sorry to hear you’re suffering.

I sometimes suffer acid reflux when I have a bit of stress and find Omeperazole works really well. I also take Gaviscon regularly through the day whether when I’m acutely suffering or not and this seems to keep it under control. I also gulp a water to wash the ‘acid foam’ that’s been refluxed into the lower part of my oesophagus. Amongst the most potent stimulators of gastric acid are milk and alcohol (just like the song!) so avoid those.

Also, avoid chilli-eating contests 😉
Thanks heaps. Have been on the meds for a few weeks now, I am MILES better. It's helped sooo much. Just worried what'll happen when I finish them. I preferably don't want to be reliant on them.. but see how we go.
Thanks heaps. Have been on the meds for a few weeks now, I am MILES better. It's helped sooo much. Just worried what'll happen when I finish them. I preferably don't want to be reliant on them.. but see how we go.
If you have a chronic condition, it may well require you to take them long term… but what’s the problem with that? Many people take pills everyday to stay, otherwise, in tip-top condition. I take so many pills, I rattle when I walk! And the alternative to have chronic reflux/oesophagitis, like developing Barrett’s oesophagus, is best avoided (don’t look it up).

Have you had a gastroscopy to see what’s going on? Do you have a hiatus hernia or history of it in your family? These are the sorts of thing your physician should have asked you.

Best of luck and keep on top of it🙏🏽
If you have a chronic condition, it may well require you to take them long term… but what’s the problem with that? Many people take pills everyday to stay, otherwise, in tip-top condition. I take so many pills, I rattle when I walk! And the alternative to have chronic reflux/oesophagitis, like developing Barrett’s oesophagus, is best avoided (don’t look it up).

Have you had a gastroscopy to see what’s going on? Do you have a hiatus hernia or history of it in your family? These are the sorts of thing your physician should have asked you.

Best of luck and keep on top of it🙏🏽
if it´s serious he can get an OP to sort it. seen a few methods on the web.
If you have a chronic condition, it may well require you to take them long term… but what’s the problem with that? Many people take pills everyday to stay, otherwise, in tip-top condition. I take so many pills, I rattle when I walk! And the alternative to have chronic reflux/oesophagitis, like developing Barrett’s oesophagus, is best avoided (don’t look it up).

Have you had a gastroscopy to see what’s going on? Do you have a hiatus hernia or history of it in your family? These are the sorts of thing your physician should have asked you.

Best of luck and keep on top of it🙏🏽
Yeah for sure, I see what you're saying. I guess I like to address the root issue and not just take things to maintain symptoms of something deeper. Had a gastroscopy years ago and nothing unusual apart from reflux, haven't had one recently. I mentioned to the doc I'd heard of this hiatal hernia, but all the ultrasounds were clear so assuming nothing there. No history of it within family that I know of, just history of reflux though! But I'll keep what you said in mind for sure.

Thank you!
Hi all! I've had a few phases of intensely bad acid reflux (even as a baby I was hospitalised it was that bad), got it a few years back which lasted many months. Went away, and I feel like it has reemerged quite badly again now.

Just wondering if there are any other sufferers of this and what they've found to be helpful to them. I'm really looking for more natural solutions. I am in desperation trying esomeprazole 20mg tablets daily, and just reached two weeks on it. Has helped only marginally.

Actually @Argus I remember you mentioned diaphragmatic breathing in the other thread. I actually did a deep breathing focused meditation the other day and man it helped massively!

I'm smashing down plenty of ginger in herbal tea, antacids and bicarbonate of soda only when needed... I have found that I feel immensely better after eating food. If I go too long without food it really gets nasty!

And of course, stress/anxiety is a MASSIVE driver, so I'm addressing this as best as I can.

Any tips or helpful things you've come across? :)
I take prescription Omeprazole before bedtime, and if I feel I'm probably going to have an issue in my sleep, I chew a Tums as well. Seems to help.