Black Belt
Wheatgrass is now very common from smoothie places such as Juice Stop and Juice it Up at least from what I've seen so I'd thought I'd share what I've learned.
"Wheatgrass is one of the so-called green foods that are vauled by health-conscious individuals as a great natural source of nutrients. In juice form it contains 70% chlorophyll, which is often referred to as the blood of plant life. It closely resembles the molecules of human red blood cells. Chlorophyll has been shown to produce an unfavorable environment for bacterial growth in the body and therefore effective in increasing the body's resistance to illness.
"This nutrient-rich grass contains 17 amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins. The body uses these amino acids for things like building muscle tissue, repairing cells, and clotting the blood. Wheatgrass retains 92 of the 102 minerals found in the soil. These minerals include calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and potassium. It's a rich natural source of vitamins A and C. Wheatgrass has more vitamin C than oranges and twice the vitamin A as carrots. It is also exceptionally rich in vitamins E, K, and B-complex. It is also a natural source of laetrile (B-17). Dr. Chiu Nan of the University of Texas has found that wheatgrass produces an immunization effect against many dietary carcinogens.
"Wheatgrass is considered to be a complete food in itself. The fact is that one pound of fresh wheatgrass is equivalent in nutritional value to 23 pounds of choice garden vegetables.
Due to its fibrous nature, which is indigestible by humans, wheatgrass must be liquefied before it can be consumed."
"1. Promotes better circulation of the blood, ultimately nourishing every cell in the body.
2. Rejuvenates aging cells, slows down the aging process.
3. Prevents the accumulation of fat and draws out the excess of it.
4. Works as a sleep aid by enhancing the oxygen in the air & generating healthful negative ions to help you sleep more soundly
5. Neutralizes offensive odors such as bad breath, perspiration, and body odors.
6. Increases the functions of the heart, the vascular system, the intestines and the lungs.
7. Aids in the stimulation and the regeneration of the liver which is the main detoxification organ in the body.
8. Contains about 70% chlorophyll which is considered "the life giving source" of plants.
9. One ounce of wheat grass is comparable in nutrients to over 2 pounds of vegetables or 10 garden salads
10. Helps metabolize the nutrients that are taken in by the body."
The above excerpts were taken from "The Wheat Grass Book" by Ann Wigmore
I got these two peices of information at Juice it Up because I thought it was very interesting that grass could be good for you despite the fact that I always thought that humans couldn't eat it. So what do I do? Like a curious person such as I, I tried it...and it tasted just how it smells. Like fresh cut grass from your picture that smell and just put it on your taste buds. That's what it tastes like. I almost puked. :barf:
So what have I learned from this information? Being healthy can sometimes leave a nasty taste in your mouth. lol. :idunno:
"Wheatgrass is one of the so-called green foods that are vauled by health-conscious individuals as a great natural source of nutrients. In juice form it contains 70% chlorophyll, which is often referred to as the blood of plant life. It closely resembles the molecules of human red blood cells. Chlorophyll has been shown to produce an unfavorable environment for bacterial growth in the body and therefore effective in increasing the body's resistance to illness.
"This nutrient-rich grass contains 17 amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins. The body uses these amino acids for things like building muscle tissue, repairing cells, and clotting the blood. Wheatgrass retains 92 of the 102 minerals found in the soil. These minerals include calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and potassium. It's a rich natural source of vitamins A and C. Wheatgrass has more vitamin C than oranges and twice the vitamin A as carrots. It is also exceptionally rich in vitamins E, K, and B-complex. It is also a natural source of laetrile (B-17). Dr. Chiu Nan of the University of Texas has found that wheatgrass produces an immunization effect against many dietary carcinogens.
"Wheatgrass is considered to be a complete food in itself. The fact is that one pound of fresh wheatgrass is equivalent in nutritional value to 23 pounds of choice garden vegetables.

"1. Promotes better circulation of the blood, ultimately nourishing every cell in the body.
2. Rejuvenates aging cells, slows down the aging process.
3. Prevents the accumulation of fat and draws out the excess of it.
4. Works as a sleep aid by enhancing the oxygen in the air & generating healthful negative ions to help you sleep more soundly
5. Neutralizes offensive odors such as bad breath, perspiration, and body odors.
6. Increases the functions of the heart, the vascular system, the intestines and the lungs.
7. Aids in the stimulation and the regeneration of the liver which is the main detoxification organ in the body.
8. Contains about 70% chlorophyll which is considered "the life giving source" of plants.
9. One ounce of wheat grass is comparable in nutrients to over 2 pounds of vegetables or 10 garden salads
10. Helps metabolize the nutrients that are taken in by the body."
The above excerpts were taken from "The Wheat Grass Book" by Ann Wigmore
I got these two peices of information at Juice it Up because I thought it was very interesting that grass could be good for you despite the fact that I always thought that humans couldn't eat it. So what do I do? Like a curious person such as I, I tried it...and it tasted just how it smells. Like fresh cut grass from your picture that smell and just put it on your taste buds. That's what it tastes like. I almost puked. :barf:
So what have I learned from this information? Being healthy can sometimes leave a nasty taste in your mouth. lol. :idunno: