George Lovio

Didn't Leung Ting write a book years ago called "Skills of the Vagabounds" about that very thing!!??
Two of them as a matter of fact. My dream has come true, I really am a practitioner of Chinese Ninjutsu! Wait....what do we call it? Wingjutsu, Winja Do, Chunobi? :)
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SiFu Lovio version of wing chun is beyond what I can describe. I can confirm that it is very different from other versions. To understand it, it must be felt.. That may sound like some kind of cop out but it is not. I don't really care if anyone believes this. I just wanted to add the opinion of someone who knows him well to this speculative thread.
His site says he teaches Chan Wah Shun style Wing Chun. Can anyone corroborate this?
His lineage extends from Ng Siu Lo, not Ng Chung So, the other brother taught by Chan Wah serve the boxer rebellion and to facilitate the overthrowing of the Qing dynasty.
I have no idea about this guy but I would be more concerned about this personally:-


Sifu Lovio teaches Wing Chun in North County San Diego, California. Lessons are private and semi-private. He is currently semi retired and is only taking on exceptional students that have the dedication, devotion, and discipline to complete the system. Instruction during lessons consists of pure technique and application. A student is expected to perform drills and exercises on his or her own time. Students in the area often get together on their own time to chi sau and perform drills.

Straight from his site. Sounds expensive to me. In order to devolp you need to practice or play with a variety of people. Just my personal opinion.
SiFu Lovio version of wing chun is beyond what I can describe. I can confirm that it is very different from other versions. To understand it, it must be felt.. That may sound like some kind of cop out but it is not. I don't really care if anyone believes this. I just wanted to add the opinion of someone who knows him well to this speculative thread.

Hey Georgie, what's kickin'?
His lineage extends from Ng Siu Lo, not Ng Chung So, the other brother taught by Chan Wah serve the boxer rebellion and to facilitate the overthrowing of the Qing dynasty.

Interesting Dummy form you got here. Almost looks like the standard Yip Man form!

Hey Georgie, what's kickin'?
I realize I've made a mistake in speaking about this online.
My SiFu's reputation stands for itself and doesn't need my defense, I should have understood this sooner. Wing chun is for doing, not for discussing on the Internet. Someone had informed me that my SiFu was the topic of a martial arts thread and curiosity got the best of me. Sorry to intrude on your community and conversation. I will stick with what version I'm doing, and you stick to whatever version you're doing and I'm sure we'll both be happier for it.
I realize I've made a mistake in speaking about this online.
My SiFu's reputation stands for itself and doesn't need my defense, I should have understood this sooner. Wing chun is for doing, not for discussing on the Internet. Someone had informed me that my SiFu was the topic of a martial arts thread and curiosity got the best of me. Sorry to intrude on your community and conversation. I will stick with what version I'm doing, and you stick to whatever version you're doing and I'm sure we'll both be happier for it.
I don't know anything about your teacher's reputation, but it wasn't really under any significant attack in this thread, so it probably doesn't need defending.

I would be curious as to your defense of the idea that WC was designed for assassination. You disagreed with my skepticism regarding that claim, so I assume you must have some reason for considering it plausible. There's nothing I've seen in any lineage of WC which seems particularly relevant to assassination. If Mr. Lovio's branch of the art has something applicable for that purpose, I'd love to know what it is.
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