We can know in general terms what Ip Man's Wing Chun was like originally.
The history the gentlemen gives in that video above is bogus. He says Wing Chun and Weng Chun are the same thing and both come from Chi Sim. We know they are NOT the same thing. He says that what he does today is what Chan Wah Shun taught and that everyone else missed out on things because Chan didn't it teach it to them. He implies that what Chan Wah Shun taught is what Leung Jan taught. But Yuen Kay Shan's Wing Chun curriculum is not that different than Ip Man's, and he learned from Fok Bo Cheun. What Leung Jan taught in Ku Lo after he retired is not that different than Ip Man's Wing Chun in that it doesn't have all the "elaboration" that Chan Yiu Min's Wing Chun has either.
So you can be pretty confident that what Ip Man originally learned looked very much like Yuen Kay Shan's Wing Chun or Yiu Kay's Wing Chun.....SLT, CK, BG, dummy, pole, knives. No broadswords, spears, SLT with lots of movement and stepping, etc. What Ip Man's early students in Foshan do has been fairly well shown. That should be a pretty good indicator.
I don't think anyone believes that "original" Wing Chun had all the things that is now being taught in the Chan Yiu Min lineage.....except the Chan Yiu Min sifu above!