George Foreman Documentary

Following on from my previous post here, I would like to recommend God in My Corner: A Spiritual Memoir by George Foreman

Personally, I’d rather have Angelo Dundee in my corner.
But only Dundee helped. Last I heard God didn’t do fights.
But only Dundee helped. Last I heard God didn’t do fights.
George Foreman had great faith in god and believed it helped him to achieve his purpose.

Reading his writings gave me a new insight into how beliefs can help inspire you and others in life.

A lot of the details of his career were familiar to me as I'd followed his comeback closely, watching all his televised fights and reading anything in the boxing press at the time, but this book gave me extra insights into the mind of a fighter who became the oldest heavyweight champion in history 🥊🥇🥊

The following book is another I recommend if you are interested in the life and times of George Foreman

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I really like george. I like his fighting style and I study his fights to learn. He was the only boxer I ever saw who was flat footed that much in his fights. In the west that's seen as a no no they teach to always be on the ball of the feet. But in karate and some Chinese arts flat footed means grounded and the power comes from the ground. I'm personally flat footed literally and also have a nerve injury in one of my feet so I have to be flat footed and planted most of the time when doing boxing type stuff. I've seen kung fu guys do this and a few karate guys too and they generate insane power from the ground and still twist at the hips. It comes at a cost though, you're not as mobile for movement or as quick as you would be if you did the traditional ball of the foot stance. But it's effective if you use it smartly. I also like his use of the cross arm guard like Archie Moore. I'm trying to learn it so I can use it better. I saw a video on YouTube by Clint sporman one of Carl cestaris guys. He was showing an old ju jitsu blocking technique called the x guard(no not the floor x guard from bjj) it's very similar to the cross arm guard but you make a x with both of your forearms. I don't know how effective it is because I never got the chance to test it out but it's pretty neat.