TOP 10 Heavyweights of all time!

there are a couple of heavyweights ya'll have missed

Gentlemen Jim Corbett he should be #4 or #5
John L. Sullivan who should be #1
calmone said:
there are a couple of heavyweights ya'll have missed

Gentlemen Jim Corbett he should be #4 or #5
John L. Sullivan who should be #1
Good point.

I think you have to include Santa Claus in the list somewhere....or Buddha
Kenpodoc said:
Jack Johnson should be higher on the list and Foreman and Frazier would have wiped the floor with Holyfield. Lennox Lewis has just not been dominating I doubt he belongs on this list. This might irritate people but I suspect Sonny Liston would have cleaned Tyson's clock.

I agree with you about Sonny Liston being tough.

I don't think anyone will agree about Holyfield, he is a real warrior 'no one' would wipe the floor with him.
He fought hard and is one of the true champions of all time.

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
I agree with you about Sonny Liston being tough.

I don't think anyone will agree about Holyfield, he is a real warrior 'no one' would wipe the floor with him.
He fought hard and is one of the true champions of all time.

Regards, Gary
I totally agree with you Gary, in his prime, Holyfield would have beat most of the guys on my top ten lists. He's all heart, doesn't quit, can take a punch, and is an excellent technician in the ring.
"Real Deal"
Dragon Fist said:
Who are on the top 10 Heavyweight Boxers on your list?

Here is mine.
  1. Joe Louis
  2. Muhammad Ali
  3. Evander Holyfield
  4. George Foreman
  5. Larry Holmes
  6. Mike Tyson
  7. Lennox Lewis
  8. Joe Frazier
  9. Rocky Marciano
  10. Jack Johnson

Pretty good list for the most part, but I am afraid Marciano should at least be in the top 5. After all he is the only undefeated heavyweight champion in history, and started out at an older age. You can say that he did not meet tough opponents, but he beat the pants off of a young Archie Moore, and an old Archie Moore gave Clay/Ali quite a run for his money in Ali's Prime. The rest of the list I agree with for the most part, some I would only move up or down one peg. I would have the top #1 spot as a tie between Dempsey, Marciano. Dump Holmes and Lewis. Although in my opinion they are great fighters, they are not in the top 10 of all time. Bob Fitzsimmions should be in there somewhere in the bottom 5, not only was he a middleweight and won the heavyweight tittle, but he is also one of the rare few to win tittles in 3 different weight classes. Middleweight, Heavyweight, and Light Heavyweight (all without gaining or losing weight to fight in those divisions) and his carrer took place in the late 1890's and early 1900's. Quite a feat for those days.

John L. Sullivan who should be #1
I don't agree, the only reason The Great John L is listed as the first modern day Heavyweight champion is because he was champ during the transition to the Queensbury rules. But if you notice he lost shortly there after (To Corbett). He was a tough bar room brawler who fought during a time that you could do just about anything to win a fight. Once you change over the the modern boxing rules, his ability to fight strictly with punches was truly shown. He was a great fighter, but not a boxer by modern definition. But that is what makes topics like this fun, because we all have our own opinions on who or what makes a legendary fighter.
Lennox Lewis is not even close to any of those fighters even though he beat mike tyson, he was never the great champion mike tyson was. If you put Lennox Lewis on that list you might as well put Vitali Klitschko on the list as well. He lost to Lennox Lewis because of a cut but all that saw it know that Lewis was going to lose, and thats why he retired. Lennox Lewis was a grey champion during an era of grey heavyweights. All of the greats from the last area are old and the upcoming ones "Chris Byrd, Klitschko Bros, Kirk Johnson" he ran from. So in my book he is nothing. He is just as good as Buster Douglas. A guy who happen to just throw the righ punch at the wrong time for Tyson. And noone had Roy Jones on the list. He may not be a True heavyweight, but he did do something noone else has done. Win 5 belts in different weight classes. And even Emanuel Steward said to Lennox Lewis on HBO during a interview that if he was to fight Roy Jones he would lose. So if you put Lewis on there than put Jones on there too.
Deflecting_the_Storm said:
Lennox Lewis is not even close to any of those fighters even though he beat mike tyson, he was never the great champion mike tyson was. If you put Lennox Lewis on that list you might as well put Vitali Klitschko on the list as well. He lost to Lennox Lewis because of a cut but all that saw it know that Lewis was going to lose, and thats why he retired. Lennox Lewis was a grey champion during an era of grey heavyweights. All of the greats from the last area are old and the upcoming ones "Chris Byrd, Klitschko Bros, Kirk Johnson" he ran from. So in my book he is nothing. He is just as good as Buster Douglas. A guy who happen to just throw the righ punch at the wrong time for Tyson. And noone had Roy Jones on the list. He may not be a True heavyweight, but he did do something noone else has done. Win 5 belts in different weight classes. And even Emanuel Steward said to Lennox Lewis on HBO during a interview that if he was to fight Roy Jones he would lose. So if you put Lewis on there than put Jones on there too.
I think the time has come to add an extra weight class in the top weight class.

I have lost respect for what Emanuel Stewart has to say.
He does not do the job he is paid for. Look what happened to the younger Klitschko, for their size they don't breath right.

They run out of air because they are not trained in collecting air the proper way. That is the trainer and managers fault.

People in martial arts who have any rank at all know the proper way to breath, why don't the Boxers and Trainers know???

Since Roy Jones was knocked out twice since his (ES) statement that should say something.

Regards, Gary
Deflecting_the_Storm said:
Lennox Lewis is not even close to any of those fighters even though he beat mike tyson, he was never the great champion mike tyson was. If you put Lennox Lewis on that list you might as well put Vitali Klitschko on the list as well. He lost to Lennox Lewis because of a cut but all that saw it know that Lewis was going to lose, and thats why he retired. Lennox Lewis was a grey champion during an era of grey heavyweights. All of the greats from the last area are old and the upcoming ones "Chris Byrd, Klitschko Bros, Kirk Johnson" he ran from. So in my book he is nothing. He is just as good as Buster Douglas. A guy who happen to just throw the righ punch at the wrong time for Tyson. And noone had Roy Jones on the list. He may not be a True heavyweight, but he did do something noone else has done. Win 5 belts in different weight classes. And even Emanuel Steward said to Lennox Lewis on HBO during a interview that if he was to fight Roy Jones he would lose. So if you put Lewis on there than put Jones on there too.
I agree. There are a lot of great fighters out there. Anyone who can make it into the top 10 contenders is a great fighter, same holds true for anyone who has won any type of championship. But they cannot be put into the greatest of all time catagory. There is a big differance. The greatest of all times are legends in their sport.
GAB said:
I think the time has come to add an extra weight class in the top weight class.

I have lost respect for what Emanuel Stewart has to say.
He does not do the job he is paid for. Look what happened to the younger Klitschko, for their size they don't breath right.

They run out of air because they are not trained in collecting air the proper way. That is the trainer and managers fault.

People in martial arts who have any rank at all know the proper way to breath, why don't the Boxers and Trainers know???

Since Roy Jones was knocked out twice since his (ES) statement that should say something.

Regards, Gary

Yeah, I don't know how they train today, but I think trainers did a better job in the old days. Now championship matches are only 12 rounds, they used to be 15. And before that, fights could last all day with rounds reaching the 100's. I am not exactly clear on how they defined a round, I know it was different than today, but still. Can you imagine a fight lasting 6 hours?
Okay guys, the fighters on my top ten, who would beat whom and why?

  1. Joe Louis
  2. Muhammad Ali
  3. Evander Holyfield
  4. George Foreman
  5. Larry Holmes
  6. Mike Tyson
  7. Joe Frazier
  8. Rocky Marciano
  9. Jack Johnson
  10. Jack Dempsey
I know a couple of guys out there didn't think that Lennox Lewis should even be on this list, and after further thinking about it, I agree with them. So now I will replace him with Jack Dempsey. The others below him will move up one.
Dragon Fist said:
Okay guys, the fighters on my top ten, who would beat whom and why?
  1. Joe Louis
  2. Muhammad Ali
  3. Evander Holyfield
  4. George Foreman
  5. Larry Holmes
  6. Mike Tyson
  7. Joe Frazier
  8. Rocky Marciano
  9. Jack Johnson
  10. Jack Dempsey
I know a couple of guys out there didn't think that Lennox Lewis should even be on this list, and after further thinking about it, I agree with them. So now I will replace him with Jack Dempsey. The others below him will move up one.
Muhammad Ali hands down over anyone he was to smart a fighter (especially pre- draft).
A lot of people are gonna think I'm crazy, but I think Holyfield (in his prime) would find a way to beat all these guys on the list.