Gay bomb?

This is actually a true weapon that was considered. As a matter of fact as an early test site one of these was originally dropped in the san francisco bay area back in the 60's. (lmfao) I think this weapon should be deployed in Iraq, and Iran. If used on these people, there is no doubt that they would have to kill themselves out of shame..lmao
Raw Story reports and a CBS affiliate also mentions that the Pentagon has finally copped to one of the more bizarre weapons programs ever to come out of Washington. The Gay Bomb. The idea is that powerful aphrodisiacs, particularly ones that encourage homosexual behavior, would be distributed over enemy lines. The opposing forces would be so overcome with lust and/or shame that they would spend their time in all-boy orgies or commit suicide out of remorse or something instead of shooting at Americans.

The documents show the Air Force lab asked for $7.5 million to develop such a chemical weapon.

"The Ohio Air Force lab proposed that a bomb be developed that contained a chemical that would cause enemy soldiers to become gay, and to have their units break down because all their soldiers became irresistibly attractive to one another," Hammond said after reviewing the documents.

"The notion was that a chemical that would probably be pleasant in the human body in low quantities could be identified, and by virtue of either breathing or having their skin exposed to this chemical, the notion was that soldiers would become gay," explained Hammond.
"The truth of the matter is it would have never come to my attention if it was dismissed at the time it was proposed," he said. "In fact, the Pentagon has used it repeatedly and subsequently in an effort to promote non-lethal weapons, and in fact they submitted it to the highest scientific review body in the country for them to consider."

Yes, yes, all the obligatory jokes about not being able to leave their buddies' behind :rolleyes:

Obviously, they've never heard of the Spartans or the British Army's current recruiting drive that includes special efforts to enlist gay men and lesbians.

It definitely tells me more about the inner lives of military top brass and its fantasies about gangs of strong, sweaty men in uniform than I really wanted to know. Much, much more...
That's pretty much what I was thinking - especially that it brought a whole new meaning to "make love, not war" as a solution to the world's problems! I mean, think about it... other than abstinence, what better form of birth control is there than homosexual sex? Quite a few SF writers - Joe Haldeman, for example - have proposed just that as a means of population control, and if we could get the population under control, think what that would do for some of the rest of the world's problems.

I could let you know several of what I would consider better ways than homosexual sex ("Not that there is anything wrong with that.") that don't lead to conception, but those ummm techniques and positions are better left, if anywhere, to the After Dark section. ;)

Oh, and they have nothing to do with Rosiei O'Donnell! :)
Here's a thoughtful question... what happens when the bomb's effects wear off?
:xtrmshock HEY! DUDE! Get off of me!!!
Found this article about other non-lethal weapons researched by the military. Some of them are pretty goofy. I think they should invent a device that simulates the sound of a bee hovering around your ear. That would be annoying as hell. Plus it's hard to shoot when you're swatting a phantom bee.

(ht:Stephen Dubner)