Gathering of Eagle's 2007

Jim hanna you are absolutly right about how addy doesn't have to get ques from joe. It's like they have an unspoken language.

Quick side note about joe...has anyone seen his videos he is so calm in them after seeing him in person I can tell when he wants to curse in his videos. His seminar was great but what really made it a kicker was the fact that f-bombs and $#!t were being yelled out by joe every now and again.
As a student of Sifu Joseph and Miss Addy for nearly a year now, I can tell you that their demonstrations here at home are every bit as precise as you have witnessed. I have to also mention Mr. Josh Adams who appears in some of the DVDs. Having all three of them here to observe and from whom to learn is a tremendous blessing.

As for Sifu Joseph's . . . intensity :) . . . I believe that I/we (here in Wenatchee) are very fortunate to have him as an instructor. We are challenged to push ourselves every single class.