Gathering Clouds-Right Punch


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1. An attacker at 12 o'clock in a left fighting stance throws a right reverse punch.

2. Step your left foot to 10:30 into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you simultaneously execute a left inward parry to the outside of your attacker's right arm and a right inward vertical middle knuckle rake to your attacker's right ribs.

3. Immediately execute a right outward handsword to your attacker's lower right ribs.

4. Step your right foot to 1:30 into a right neutral bow to buckle your attacker's right knee with your right knee as you execute a right inward elbow to your attacker's right ribs. (Your left hand is now bracing against your attacker's right elbow.)

5. Execute a right front scoop kick to your attacker's groin as you execute a right two-finger eye hook to your attacker's left eye.

6. Plant your right scoop kick back to 7:30 into a left neutral bow facing 1:30.

7. Cross out.

Posting this for discussion. Is this how you do the technique? Do you do anything different? If so, what changes/differences do you do?

For myself, I do the technique just the way its done above, with the exception of the right 2 finger hook to the eyes.
Outward handsword prior to the collapsing inward elbow. I also pick specific targets on the ribs and bladder meridian, and emphasize an 8th-beat offset rhythm in the elbow as a sandwich...left inward palm-heel to bladder meridian, lands a split second prior to the inward elbow.

Footwork...I do the left foot step to 10:30 with the parry & simultaneous knuckle rake, but follow it immediately with a push-drag wide kneel timed as a knee strike with my right knee inside theirs. Then, the travelling (right) leg settles into their space as the outward handsword/collapsing elbow with left inward palm heel drum roll initiates.

I also do the fish-hook to the eyes, and couple with a scoop that glides up the inside of their thigh to the groin, and exits the strike with a frictional pull to the thigh of the destabilized right leg (clanged into with the traveling right knee from the kneel).

For the hand paths of travel, I also use more of a subtle figure-8, rather than linear return/reverse paths. Makes for a better flow in the movement, and facilitates greater "whhhooppppp!" in the power rip.

If I can find a dummy for a youtube post...

Very similar. The middle knuckle rake we save for form version (form 4), instead we rake with our four knuckles (fist formed like a Chinese fist) across the ulna. I would also be in a cat stance while doing the chop. And # 5 and 6 we do not do at all right now.

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