Gas $4.00 a gallon

Elder999 and Cstanley, Please, Please tell me that you don't believe that the oil that we have been pumping out of the ground for over 100 years is from decomposing Dinosours, Give me a break,( That is propoganda the envirowacko's in the Government run schools put's out to the young Sheeple) That is such a myth and is very untrue. The planet produces oil naturally, over the years when a oil well would be pumped empty they would cap and seal it, years later the same well would be full again, this is happening all over the planet.

Well, oil is produced from carbon based decay, whether dinosaurs or whatever. Chemical testing can prove carbon, no oil. Scientific dating can also indicate the age of the deposits. These things indicate that oil is produced over a LONG period of time by decaying organic matter.

There could be a number of reasons for oil reappearing in a capped well:
1. They didn't get it all because of inefficient methods.
2. Shifts in the earth caused by tremors, earthquakes, etc.
3. Pressures deep in the earth forced deeper oil to the surface.
4. Gremlins sneaked in and poured used oil from old car engines into the holes.
5. It wasn't really oil but black ink dumped there by manufacturers when they told us all to switch to blue ink.
6. Sand worm waste. (See "Dune")
7. George Bush and Dick Cheney, in yet another dastardly Republican plot, pumped oil from their own vast personal reserves (hidden under the Pentagon) into those wells to shut everybody up. This was just after they blew up the World Trade Center, generated Katrina from their secret hurricane machine, and caused the volcanic eruption that destroyed Pompeii.
Well, oil is produced from carbon based decay, whether dinosaurs or whatever. Chemical testing can prove carbon, no oil. Scientific dating can also indicate the age of the deposits. These things indicate that oil is produced over a LONG period of time by decaying organic matter.

Oil isn't a renewable resource under most abiotic/abiogenic theories anyway. Even if the oil fields are refilling, it isn't equal to the rate of consumption, and the theoretical oil pools that the abiotic theory is suggesting are far too deep for us to access in the near future. The net effect is that it doesn't change the increase in demand and reduction in available oil that we are currently experiencing.


Where the hell do you think it comes from? Do the fairies come at night and fill the Earth with magic pixie squeezings? Oil, coal and natural gas are called fossil fuels because they are made of the pressurized remains of dead plants and animals. They are "renewable" if you're willing to wait a couple hundred million years.

"If we just leave them alone they'll miraculously fill themselves up again" is just about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
Elder999 and Cstanley, Please, Please tell me that you don't believe that the oil that we have been pumping out of the ground for over 100 years is from decomposing Dinosours, Give me a break,( That is propoganda the envirowacko's in the Government run schools put's out to the young Sheeple) That is such a myth and is very untrue. The planet produces oil naturally, over the years when a oil well would be pumped empty they would cap and seal it, years later the same well would be full again, this is happening all over the planet.

The abiotic oil theory is ******** Soviet propaganda. During the Cold War in order to distinguish themselves from the Americans and provide incentive for huge financial interests to invest in Russian oil infrastructure, the Abiotic Oil Theory was conceived. It did not matter if observations did not fit the theory.

For example

1. No structurally independent oil feild has ever been observed to "refill". Even though some feilds have shown evidence of recovery, this is easily attributed to the structural connections that the feild has with other nearby feilds. Also, it should be noted observations of feild recovery are extremely rare.

2. No deep drilling into crystalline precambrian rock has EVER turned up an appreciable amount of oil. Deposits are ALWAYS found in sedimentary and metamorphic structures called impermeable anticlines. The one exception always cited by ABOTists are some drilling samples taken in the Caspian Basin. Deep core samples were taken from the surface of crystalline basement rock and a small amount of oil was found. The structure that was drilled was a magnetic rise the bedrock surrounded by more typical impermeable anticlines that contained oil. Thus, the most probably source for this oil is assumed to be the nearby oil traps.

3. Fossils of bacteria, algal colonies, and various species of foraminifera are nearly always associated deposits of oil. Even in surrounding sedimentary structures that are completely disassociated from this kind of life, these fossils are still found, precluding any claims of contamination. Thus, providing strong evidence that petroleum is indeed a fossil fuel and is non-renewable.

With that being said, I find it so ironic that so many right wing anti-government conspiracy theorists have mind communist propaganda psuedoscience to support their claims. OMG WTF!!!!

Where the hell do you think it comes from? Do the fairies come at night and fill the Earth with magic pixie squeezings? Oil, coal and natural gas are called fossil fuels because they are made of the pressurized remains of dead plants and animals. They are "renewable" if you're willing to wait a couple hundred million years.

"If we just leave them alone they'll miraculously fill themselves up again" is just about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

No, Tellner, I liked my theories about where it comes from better. You know, there are gremlins everywhere. They could be dumping old engine oil from old Chevy and Ford engine blocks into those wells. Nobody would see them at night out in the plains, under a starry sky...which reminds me, it could also be aliens from the planet Bugaloo. (makes as much sense as the abiotic theory, anyway.):cheers:
Oil isn't a renewable resource under most abiotic/abiogenic theories anyway. Even if the oil fields are refilling, it isn't equal to the rate of consumption, and the theoretical oil pools that the abiotic theory is suggesting are far too deep for us to access in the near future. The net effect is that it doesn't change the increase in demand and reduction in available oil that we are currently experiencing.


There are two versions of the Abiotic Oil Theory. One states that oil is produced rapidly and that feild recovery would also happen rapidly. The other states that oil is produced very slowly and that feild recovery would occur gradually over long periods of time.

With greater ABOT, the world would literally be awash in oil. There aren't enough traps available on this planet to catch it all so most of it would end up on the surface. These molecules would quickly get munched by bacteria and carbon dioxide would be released in response. The amount of oil released by greater ABOT would make our planet resemble something like Venus.

With lesser ABOT, the rate of recovery would have to occur so slowing in order to fit in with current observations of the climate, that no oil feild would ever recover more then 1% in 10,000 years. Thus the point is moot. Oil would still be a "non-renewable" resource because our rate of consumption is exponentially greater.

Where the hell do you think it comes from? Do the fairies come at night and fill the Earth with magic pixie squeezings? Oil, coal and natural gas are called fossil fuels because they are made of the pressurized remains of dead plants and animals. They are "renewable" if you're willing to wait a couple hundred million years.

"If we just leave them alone they'll miraculously fill themselves up again" is just about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Gotta love the folks that think the earth has some sort of creamy nougat center filled with oil...

Tellner, you can't be serious in thinking that all the oil we have used and all the oil that is still in the ground is from dead rabbits and dead weeds, GIVE ME A BREAK. I always thought nerds were smart, guess i was wrong
Tellner, you can't be serious in thinking that all the oil we have used and all the oil that is still in the ground is from dead rabbits and dead weeds, GIVE ME A BREAK. I always thought nerds were smart, guess i was wrong

So where do you think oil come from?
upnorthkyosa beat me to it, but I'll repeat the question.

If oil, coal and natural gas don't come from organic matter where do they come from?

The evidence has been extremely clearly presented elsewhere in this thread. You have yet to respond rationally to any of it.

The energy contained in a gallon of gasoline can push a car twenty miles. If it just magically appears and reappears where is the energy coming from? Is it being created out of nothing? By cold fusion and ground loops?
Competition among researchers keeps them from working together to share results and reach a scientifically reliable consensus.

I'm sorry, there's no nice way to say this. You have no idea what the **** you are talking about. I am a scientist, and this is very far from the truth. In fact, the conditions of our own funding require us to share information and resources with each other. Very few scientists can be successful without collaboration.
It's over $4 a gallon here, and our dollar is worth more then yours :p

US gas prices are still a fair bit lower then in most other places.

Right now they work out to about $4.20 / gallon USD here.
I'm sorry, there's no nice way to say this. You have no idea WTF you are talking about. I am a scientist, and this is very far from the truth. In fact, the conditions of our own funding require us to share information and resources with each other. Very few scientists can be successful without collaboration.

Actually, this has been told me by several engineers and one pharmaceutical reseracher who are clients of mine. I guess they don't know what the fornication they are talking about either. There is no nice way to say this, but you don't really speak for all scientists, now do you.
Actually, this has been told me by several engineers and one pharmaceutical reseracher who are clients of mine. I guess they don't know what the fornication they are talking about either.

Commerical researchers then, I might have guessed. I don't know about your engineer friends, but for the pharm industry, by far the greatest amount of target discovery is done by academic science. Pharm guys do target validation and drug development.

There is no nice way to say this, but you don't really speak for all scientists, now do you.

Why do you think scientists clamor so hard to get their research published in journals? That isn't a very effective way to hide their light under a bushel basket.
Sorry cstanley, he's right. You don't understand how science is done. He's working in the field and knows how the process goes. So have I. So have a lot of people.
Sorry cstanley, he's right. You don't understand how science is done. He's working in the field and knows how the process goes. So have I. So have a lot of people.

Only repeating what I have been told by others like you. There have even been articles published about it in magazines. Why do you think "corporate espionage" exists? I don't think they are stealing cookies.
I'd like to hear from more people who have some economics training regarding the following query...just how much is the weak dollar driving today's spike in oil prices?

From my understanding, it would seem that the oil production peak would affect long term prices.

The short term very well could be a result of the Fed's injection of liquidity into the world markets.