Elder999 and Cstanley, Please, Please tell me that you don't believe that the oil that we have been pumping out of the ground for over 100 years is from decomposing Dinosours, Give me a break,( That is propoganda the envirowacko's in the Government run schools put's out to the young Sheeple) That is such a myth and is very untrue. The planet produces oil naturally, over the years when a oil well would be pumped empty they would cap and seal it, years later the same well would be full again, this is happening all over the planet.
Well, oil is produced from carbon based decay, whether dinosaurs or whatever. Chemical testing can prove that...no carbon, no oil. Scientific dating can also indicate the age of the deposits. These things indicate that oil is produced over a LONG period of time by decaying organic matter.
There could be a number of reasons for oil reappearing in a capped well:
1. They didn't get it all because of inefficient methods.
2. Shifts in the earth caused by tremors, earthquakes, etc.
3. Pressures deep in the earth forced deeper oil to the surface.
4. Gremlins sneaked in and poured used oil from old car engines into the holes.
5. It wasn't really oil but black ink dumped there by manufacturers when they told us all to switch to blue ink.
6. Sand worm waste. (See "Dune")
7. George Bush and Dick Cheney, in yet another dastardly Republican plot, pumped oil from their own vast personal reserves (hidden under the Pentagon) into those wells to shut everybody up. This was just after they blew up the World Trade Center, generated Katrina from their secret hurricane machine, and caused the volcanic eruption that destroyed Pompeii.