Garage Floor Covering For Training

Paul Clark

White Belt

I recently started Tae Kwon Do with my family (4 kids) and wanted to use our 2-car garage as a dojang for training at home. I have been looking at different floor coverings that we could use and was wondering what suggestions the experts here would have for a durable, yet somewhat padded floor that would allow us to park our cars on it when not in use and would be easy to clean.

I know there are plenty of "garage floor" tiles as well as Martial Arts "mats". Is there something that will fit the bill for both?

Thanks in advance!
How much money are you willing to put into it?

You'd probably be better off buying some mats you can put down while training, and take up easily, at least in a "car-width" slot.

The problem is that most of the softer flooring wouldn't be likely to last with the cars on it -- and would probably end up soaking up oil, water and other substances that drip off of even the best maintained cars occasionally. Or melting due to the heat of the exhaust system.
Garage paint on the floor and then order some puzzle mats and put them downs as needed.
Thank you all for the replies. I especially like the idea of getting shoes...:)

At this point I am looking at garage tiles. I don't mind the hard surface, but was looking more at what would work for the kids.

Of course, the sooner they get used to the harder floor, the better!

I like the idea of having some of the mats available (to put down as needed). In the meantime, perhaps use training shoes...

I was just wondering if there was a specific type of mat that folks have used that could be multipurpose.

Thanks again and I welcome any additional suggestions!
my dojo is IN my garage

concrete floor, carpet pad, and carpet.

not the softest, but better than hardwood or cement
Good suggestions all here. I'd definitely go with shoes if you're gonna stick with concrete. Perhaps puzzle mats or foldable or rolling mats that you can store away when you have a car in the garage.

Glad you're enjoying TKD enough to train at home.

All my best!
use mats that you can take up to put the car in.

our dojo trains on a hard floor, no mats. we are an Okinawan style and so do have take downs and throws as well as locks and strikes and what have you.

get some helmets to protect the kids heads! that is where they get hurt is a fall where the head strikes the hard floor.
We bought some cheap puzzle mats at sams club I forget what they measure, but a package covers 33.5 square feet. They're basically 2 feet and 3/4" square and run $21.17 each ( I think they're cheaper in store)

They work well for standup work, and groundfighting, but takedowns and throws are a bit dicey on them, you have to have complete control of your opponent and try to break their fall a bit. Best to get some folding mats to put over them for takedown work, especially if you add them into sparring.

They come up easy for the car too.

Good luck.
TKD is stand up so all you need is a clean, smooth floor. A finished garage (smooth concrete with a layer or two of paint/clear sealer) floor should be fine. If you wanna get into grappling and throw your kids around then you'll need mats. Roll up mats or puzzle mats are easy in this instance.
I'd be inclined like others have said to stick with what you have as it is a stand up style. I train in my garage in bare feet on the concrete floor. Your kids feet should be fine and will harden them ideally so for when it comes for training on wooden floors in formal dojo.

But my only concern would be on how old your kids are and if they are liable to take a spill if kicking is new to them, would hate their head or knee to take a crack straight onto concrete.
I used to have my dojo in the garage. It had a slight amount of dirt/dust on a nice concrete floor. We even did breakfalls on it. For my next school, I am getting wrestling mat, which is what I have in my current school. They work very well.
Again, thank you all for the feedback.

The kids are 11, 10, 8, and 7. I think that if we have a good covering on the floor initially, we can do stretching, forms, and basic kicks and punches without to many issues. Once we start using takedowns and more sparing, I will look at fold out mats.

I use the black side mats from Sam's club on the ceiling of the home theater (I know it sounds weird, but it looks cool and helps with the acoustics) so I am familiar with the product. I thought about using it, but if I put something down, I would like to be able to keep it down and still pull the cars in... :)

And if the floor is too hard... that is what training shoes are for.

It sounds as if you have a good plan there. And since it's your home (& not the dojang) sweats &/or black dobok pants are an option that you can use during training as well.

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