Future of the Study

What should we do with The Study?

  • Close it. It detracts from the focus of the site.

  • Keep it. Make it an Opt-In section for all members.

  • Keep it. Restrict it to Supporting Members.

  • Don't care.

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this is really simple, if you dont like what peoiple are posting (and make no mistake, thats all this is) you can either:
1) ignore them
2) dont read crap you dont want to
3) try to get them busted for breaking the rules, if they do
4) try to get the rules changed so what they are doing is against the new improved rules.
5) grow up

someone posting links? give me a friggin break, if you dont like them, DONT READ THEM

i do enjoy the occasional colume from breitbart's crew or colture.

if you dont, DONT READ IT

but trying option 4? thats some seriously cowardly crap, right there.
We've changed the rules in the past by demand.

For one, we stopped filtering ***.

Who demanded that you stop filtering A**.

Oh, I have to go back to crossing off names on my "Send christmas present to..." list.
but you get my point.

I LIKE bill's links, they make me think and TO ME, promote conversation. All the bitching about them is about 90% "i disagree, and this makes me butt hurt so it shouldnt be allowed"

like i said, people need to grow up.

as for me?

I havnt broken a rule in ages, opinion calls about rudeness are just that, opinions

i do not care how many people dont agree with me, i believe what i believe, and have, on the islam thing, never seen a thing that made me change my mind.

but again, people dont like my opinion, so they report me and try to get me banned.

see above IE grow up

IGNORE ME if you dont like it, it wont hurt my feelings and it would apparently save Bob from reading all the "Dear Bobb, my butt hurts" emails

ignore Bill, ignore me, hell, i got 3 people on my iggy list right now and I feel BETTER for it.

but i would never try to get those people banned.

but then i guess my butt is pain proof
Hmm...I have to say, the whole banning people thing for anything other than rude behavior is pretty weak. Not unexpected, but very weak. "I don't like what he posts, I don't like how he posts it..." Hmmm...wow. What silly people. Just my opinion. This must be how Fox news feels.
I have said what I have to say. Ban the trolls or don't. I don't care.

I have never - and Bob can out me if I'm lying - complained to the mods here about any of you. Not once. I think I sent a warning message to him when someone once threatened the POTUS on MT, but that's it.

I never even complained to anyone when (you know who you are) sent me vile hate-filled PMs. I kept it to myself because I am a man and I deal with my own problems.

But you assume I whine to the staff about you. I never have. I say what I have to say to your face. I'll do it up close and personal if you want to take it there.

So I'm saying here and now, in front of you, in front of everyone, that if the question is how do we make the study a decent place again, I say the way to do that is to turf the trouble makers. You don't like me saying that? Tough. I'll not sneak around behind anyone's back, I said it right in front of you. Got a problem with that? Too bad. Send me some obscenities via PM, you crybaby.
I'm just traumatized that we've now started discussing TF's butt.
Ultimately do what will give you most enjoyment at MT Bob rather than what is best for MT. If you do not enjoy your activities at MT then you will become disaffected with it, put no energy into its marketing and then there will be no MT in any commercial sense I think. Do what you must to make it enjoyable. Why did you start the site? What was enjoyable in the beginning and what has changed? It is your business and not only your prerogative to make it an enjoyable endeavour and but your duty to yourself as owner. If you enjoy MT then you will put more energies into promotion and admin and it will thrive, no?

If my opinion were sought, I would say I think there is little or no relationship between the Study and the friendly discussion of martial arts. Therefore if it were at all feasible I say it should be annexed or rebranded as a separate autonomonus entity.
Ultimately do what will give you most enjoyment at MT Bob rather than what is best for MT. If you do not enjoy your activities at MT then you will become disaffected with it, put no energy into its marketing and then there will be no MT in any commercial sense I think. Do what you must to make it enjoyable. Why did you start the site? What was enjoyable in the beginning and what has changed? It is your business and not only your prerogative to make it an enjoyable endeavour and but your duty to yourself as owner. If you enjoy MT then you will put more energies into promotion and admin and it will thrive, no?

If my opinion were sought, I would say I think there is little or no relationship between the Study and the friendly discussion of martial arts. Therefore if it were at all feasible I say it should be annexed or rebranded as a separate autonomonus entity.

I'm with Jenna here, Bob should do what he thinks is best ...for him. That will then be best for us.
First off Bob is asking for our opinion before making any final decision, which I feel is the right way to go. The study, I feel, is a great addition to this site, making it a well rounded place, with something for everyone. There is an agitator within the study that uses it like a fishing hole, and while somewhat polite, stays under the radar. That person relentlessly starts threads (like fishing) until he gets a bite. Some of his threads go unanswered, or with little feed back. At that point he abruptly starts a new "fishing hole" hoping to snag someone. Once he gets a bite, the fun for him begins, and he plays the game well. Using a life time membership as a bargaining chip, he goes about his game of agitating. (If this was a bar room situation, the bouncers would have given him the door long ago. Was the site better before he came, or is it better because he came???? No names were given, use your imagination.
I see no reason to close or restrict it.

Just add in some strict rules, about what the Topics of Threads can be, and all will be swell.
Sometimes, when posting in the Study, you don't know that you have actually annoyed someone. I was amazed when I found out that I'd been RTM'd as I could not for the life of me figure out what I'd said that could have so offended someone (without them talking to me first about it at any rate). I still don't know (as even Moderator's don't get to see that sort of thing about themselves) but in the end I figured it must've been religious people who didn't like my disdain for all things religious as I did tend to cut loose with more honesty than tact on that subject.

So I changed the way I posted (as much as I could for I have really strong feelings on the matter). That's what helps keep things civilised i.e. modify your own behaviour for the company that you are keeping.

The Study has reached the state it has (and it is the worst I have seen it in six years) because people seem unwilling to do that and because, as I have been calling for for five of those six years, the Moderation needs to be swifter and harder hitting when people refuse to play-well-with-others. I thought the new tougher line announced recently would help but it does not seem to have done so - possibly because people have got RTM-fatigue and just don't bother any more (I know I am guilty of that some days).

So either we abandon the Study to it's fate, give the disturbers of the peace one last chance to shape up or just surrender wholsesale and pack our bags.
I'm in favor of leaving it as it is, but also bringing in a level of personal responsibility. You can always use the ignore feature, and out of all the people who complain about a particular poster, I wonder how many of y'all have actually used the ignore feature?

My thoughts were summarized in this post.

A little bit of personal responsibility can greatly cut down on things, without killing good discussions in this forum.

Y'all are martial artists, and have higher standards when it comes to discipline. Why not take some of that ability that your dojo helped instill in you, and use it?

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