Maybe if people could behave themselves but that doesn't happen. You have irrational nutcases spouting lies, falshoods and the talking points of fools as if they were gods truths, reporting every one who disagrees with them or calling them on their ********, driving the modsquad squirllier than nut ****. You have so called adults acting like kids. Hey, I get it, I'm in the mix too, but I pop in poop on a couple pigeons then flap away again. Some people though, they're like that **** demon and no one has an air freshner. The complaints are valid. You got a guy who says "what do you want to do about this" rather than just putting his foot down and saying 'here's the new line, cross it and die'. Be grateful for that courtecy. I would have just went zero tollerance and booted anyone on infraction 1. Sure, I'd have to boot myself too in a week, but that's fine. The problem here is a bunch of unapprecative ingrates taking advantage of a staff that's more than generous on giving people leeway to figure out for themselves they're being dinks. Problem is the major dinks can't see themselves in that mirror. All the "I never am part of the problem" BS is just that, ****. The ones claiming innocence the loudest are the flag carriers of the problem. I'm an ***, but I admit it at least.