rmcrobertson said:
Dear Gulliboyle:
Sheltered? One wishes.
It was illegal for the interviewer to tell you that, or to act upon it. You should call the EEOC and lodge a complaint.
No ****.
Did lodge complaint. At hearing interviewer denied everything. After the case was dismissed for lack of evidence, the interviewer told me in front of their lawyer that I shouldn't have "done this" refering to the whole farse of a hearing and walked away with a **** eating grin on her face. Maybe if I had been less trusting, gone in wired, with a minicam in my hair I would have had the proof, but I was a bit trusting back then.
Funnily enough, went to school in Orange, NJ; worked in Newark, NJ for two years; worked in inner-city hospitals over years elsewhere; taught in Compton, CA for nine or ten years; never heard "honky," except on TV.
Me either. Only place I heard it was on the Jeffersons.
As for where one now teaches, wish it were the ivory tower. But nope; not in well over a decade.
Sorry; realize that a) you'll simply believe that's a lie; b) this clashes so completely with your ideology, that you won't pay attention. Sorry too that have worked for a living for longer than you've been alive.
A- I always pay attention, when there is someone saying something worth paying attention too.
B- Don't apologize. Correct the error.
Since some will see that as "bad talk", I will clarify so that even an uneducated individual can follow. Times have changed. You are older than me. Big deal. What was true in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and even the 90's is NOT true today. Your data is outdated Doc.
But glad to hear that you're a bug-eatin' globe-hoppin' guy, who's learned to use words like, "Doc," and "spew," in insults.
I haven't yet insulted anyone. That is an artform.
One regrets that you didn't get the job you wanted and worked for. If the interviewer really did turn you down for the reason cited, of course that's wrong--but nonetheless, you're focused on the wrong enemies.
Doc, everyone is my enemy. The person sitting next to me at the employment office is my enemy in the job hunt. The person at the supermarket taking the last box of Frosted Flakes is my enemy in the hunt for food. The person whining because their candidate didn't win the election is my enemy, as is the one gloating that their 'man' won. Life is a battle-royal, in the end, it is last man standing. My enemy isn't based on race, politics, gender, or any of that crap. It is based on the struggle at hand, and where I wish to "score" in comparison to my competition.
It doesn't matter to me if your American Taliban buddies get their wet dream to blast "Marse Robert" off Stone Mountain, if Dubya is impeached, If Kerry has a hangnail, or if some twit on the internet thinks I'm racist because I said "black" and "white". In the end, we are all dust, and none of this matters a bit. Not me, not you, nada. If I vanish tomorow, the only thing here left of me will be words discounted by some as the ramblings of a sad, angry man, and aplauded by others as brilliant and dead on.
It doesn't matter.
Blacks/Browns/Negros/African Americans/People of Color will still have issues with Whites/Pinks/The Man/ThoseDamnYankees/Whatever, and vice versa.
It doesn't matter.
I will still insist that dual standards are wrong, period.
Others will insist it's fair/right/owed/whatever.
It doesn't matter.
We are ALL shadows and dust.