Funniest or Dumbest Thing you've done in MA

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IcemanSK said:
Who else has blackened their own eyes (cuz their belt was too long) while doing a front stretch or axe kick?:uhyeah:

How did I know you took Tae Kwon Do? lol just kidding
Dumbest thing IÂ’ve done in the martial arts, hmm, Been lots of them, hmm?

Well hereÂ’s one of the dumbest.
Was a several years back, doing a ladies self defense program for a local church group. Was working with one middle aged lady having a bit of difficulty with her foot placement with a particular movement. “Why am I having so much trouble doing this”, she asked.
“Try moving your foot about 6 inches”, said I.
“Wow it works!!”, she shouts.
“Yea, it’s easy”, says I, “its rather amazing what 6 inches can do for a lady!!” When turning to walk away I notice a look of shock upon the faces of many of the ladies in attendance and the room erupts into laughter.

I was once practicing with a steel whip outside by the ambulance I was driving one day when the thing slipped out of my hand . went up in the air. and down through the light bar.
You know my boss never did think it was as funny as I did.
IcemanSK said:
Who else has blackened their own eyes (cuz their belt was too long) while doing a front stretch or axe kick?:uhyeah:

Ummmm not me ... Seriously. It did happen to me, but I got a double whammy out of it. My green belt in TSD was long. We were doing front kick to spinning hook kick. I did the front kick, my belt came up and poked my eye ball on the right, and when I spun around for the hook, my hair (pony tail) got me in the left eye ball. I couldn't see for the rest of the class. Now I have shorter hair, and wear shorter belts ;) Except my red belt is a bit long and broken-in, so I get whacked with it on the chin at times.

Oh, I forgot to mention another one. This was last winter. It was a sparring class. I got to the dojang, and had to pee really bad. I did my thing, and I guess I forgot to retie my pant drawstings. Well, when I was sparring one kid, he caught the edge of my pant leg as I was retreating from one of his attacks. Well, my pants fell down to mid thigh. I reached down to pull them up and kept going as I did this. But my instructor saw my **** hanging out, and he said, "You can stop to fix your "equipment" ya know." The ones who saw it just started busting out laughing.

Has anyone "kicked" their own face? Well, it was actually a knee. We were doing front stretch kicks (during the warm-up). I am pretty flexible with my right leg. I usually time it right so my leg hits my shoulder. But I didn't think about it, and I kicked myself in the face .... ouch.

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