Fun Friday: Counters to the Backward Throw

Interesting. The techniques are all similar to techniques in NGA (and Ueshiba's Aikido, and Daito-ryu). Different execution, but clearly recognizable.
Are you referring to koto gaeshi? It is different then how we do it in Daito Ryu, in fact there is no aiki in this video in reference to Daito Ryu aikijujutsu.
Are you referring to koto gaeshi? It is different then how we do it in Daito Ryu, in fact there is no aiki in this video in reference to Daito Ryu aikijujutsu.
Agreed, no aiki, but still techniques are similar. I don't know the Japanese names of many of them besides kote gaeshi (NGA has never used them in the US). I saw variations of the wrist locks we use, and a couple of throws similar to ours.
Agreed, no aiki, but still techniques are similar. I don't know the Japanese names of many of them besides kote gaeshi (NGA has never used them in the US). I saw variations of the wrist locks we use, and a couple of throws similar to ours.
I guess only so many ways you can twist a wrist and most jujutsu have koto gaeshi which means wrist twist. Daito Ryu especially in ikkajo has a distinct method of it and the aiki is in that form.
I guess only so many ways you can twist a wrist and most jujutsu have koto gaeshi which means wrist twist. Daito Ryu especially in ikkajo has a distinct method of it and the aiki is in that form.
Agreed - only so many ways to make people fall. If you're grappling, many of these are eventually bound to happen. Heck, I "discovered" a few of our (NGA) techniques before they were given to me, because the arm just bends right that way.