

Blue Belt
hye, i hit twuce as hard with my right hand as i do my left, it's frustrating lol, my leggs, i kick with the same power on my right and left, but my left hand is jsut weak, my right hand strong, how can i buil up some punching strength in my left arm.

Laborn :D
when you load your punch pull it has high and tight as you can and hold it for a while, i mean like hours on end by the way, and over a long peroid of time (meaning do this every day for a year or so) this called isometric training.
the pros and cons of isometrics
1. unlike resistince training (with weights) it takes aboout a year to devolop any noticable results. that is aposoded the about month with weights. though it takes about as long to turn that into flab.
2. with weights you DON'T strengthen the whole muscle, you only strengthen that one movement, you do strengthen the whole muscle with isometerics.
3. by strenthening the whole muscle speed and strength in techinque is devopled.
anouther isometric drill is to punch slowly and tensing up your entire arm, the relaxing, and pulling it back. now keep in mind that if you what to do isometrics with your legs, just sit in any wide deep stance, that is the main reason why they were made. if you are tense going out and in and don't relax you could damage your muscles. you can do this with any and all techniques that are in the air, and you will get the same effect (i mean slowly with tension by the way). hope that helps at all.

sweet Brighit bless your blade

maybe your not getting you body into it on you left.
I would throw some lefts slow to see if the bodymechanics are as strong as your
Have you thought about getting a good punch bag and working out on that to get your strength up? If you put the bag somewhere you can't ignore and train often on it, say for at least a few minutes a day, then you can improve your left hand and bring it up to scratch.
I've drawn a face on mine with a marker pen, gives me something to aim at!
i have a heavy bag...i work on it daily, 10 - 30 minutes, kicks, punches, elboes ect. tho when i hit with my right arm i knock the bag back, with my left it only goes back alittle bit, and yeah i've done it in slomo, im putting my body into it, my left arm jsut isn't as strong :)
Practice only throwing combos for a while. Alternate the lead.
My right wrist was broken severely as a teen. It was difficult to do anything with it for a long time before I joined TKD. I knew eventually that my breaking technique would have to be on my left hand and trained that hand more. Natural coordination, everyone's a righty or a lefty, aids in the delivery. So, doing it on the left if you are a righty lacks the natural coordination. If you are coordinated both ways as few are, it is indeed a blessing. For the rest of us, it is just alot of punching, knives, technique practice etc. and tons of pushups. I also did Norris's TotalGym at home, the upperbody stuff anyway. I noticed that helped alot in rounding it out and making my pushups easier. But now to advance to 3rd, I have to break 3 with the bad wrist so it has caught up to me. I think its best to practice all limbs all the time as crunching more of that workout while you are working on other black belt technique, into a few months is very difficult. Good luck! TW
when training on your heavy bag, always punch it twice as many times with your left as with your right.
Laborn said:
hye, i hit twuce as hard with my right hand as i do my left, it's frustrating lol, my leggs, i kick with the same power on my right and left, but my left hand is jsut weak, my right hand strong, how can i buil up some punching strength in my left arm.

Laborn :D
easy use brass knucks:idunno:
I have found weight training on the weak wrist/hand helps strengthen it. Once the wrist (and by extension, the hand) is stronger, you are then able to hit harder.

That is what I discovered with my wrist. I hurt it years ago in a work accident, and for five years since that time, wasn't able to use my wrist as much (because it hurt and then became weak). When I returned to martial arts and realized I needed to use my wrist more, I couldn't punch well (nor do very many push ups). Weight training on the wrist cured the problem by strengthening it to the point my wrist functions better than before the inury.

Even though your hand and arm is not injured in your situation, I think the concept would apply here. Try using weights geared for wrists and you may find that by strengthening them, the ability to hit becomes better.

- Ceicei
Throw lots of straight jabs. Your lack of power is coming from lack of coordination. Your power will increase with time..Power comes from good technique so don't rush it.
We all have one leg and hand stronger than the other! IN class on Monday night we did leg techniqueswhere by we woudl kick with the bad leg doing 75 reps and the other leg 50 reps. So try doing twce as much reps on the worst leg and hand and work on a punch bag and focus pads too. I knwo that I hook kick better with one leg than the other but that is easily remedied byt working on the bad leg more until it is up to speed.
Hello, Did you know "Bruce Lee" had one leg shorter than other? That is why he like's to stand with the right leg forwand stance when fighing.

Everyone has some kind of weakness and we just have to make those adjustments. (mines is the brain)......?

To knock someone down does not require a heavy hit? Just push someone face/head backwards and they will fall down. Try it! Doesn't take much.

Accept what your are/have and make the most of it.........Aloha
Have you tried one-handed push ups with the left hand?

I would think that would help both with improving strength and co-ordination on your "weak" side
Unless there is a VAST DISPARITY in the size/strength of your left arm as opposed to your right arm the "strength" of your left arm is irrelevant with regard to the punching power issue and all the isometrics, weight training and conditioning won't help too much. As someone posted previously it's a coordination issue. The solution is simple and contains two parts. Observation and Application. First use a mirror or preferably a camcorder and observe your 'Form' and 'Timing' when you strike with the right hand, pay close attention to your mechanics. Now do the same thing with the left hand. Now if your like 99% of martial arts practicioners who have had this problem you will notice a difference in the application of the 'Form' and 'Timing' of your right and left hands. Now you have to apply what you saw and make the 'Form' and 'Timing' of your left hand match your right.

Here are SOME key areas to look for differences and similarities working your way up from the ground:
Stance & Foot Position -- Weight Transfer (Timing) -- Stance again (Braced or not) -- Posture -- Hip Rotation -- Shoulder Alignment -- Rotation and Snap of Elbow Joint-- Angle of Wrist on impact -- Tightness of Fist on impact -- Weight Transfer again (Timing) on impact -- Targeting.

Hope this helps and remember....FORM and TIMING is everything if your arms are relatively equal in size and strength.

James Hawkins III, HI
Hawkins Kenpo Karate
Baltimore, MD

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