Fruit juice doubles risk of childhood obesity

Many schools are removing the vending machines and alot of the junk from the schools, in hopes to get the kids to eat better. However, that does not stop them from eating it outside of school. IMHO, I think 99% of it comes down to two things: moderation and exercise. Personally, I see nothing wrong with treating yourself once in a while. Obviously, if you make a fast food restaurant your dining spot everyday for lunch, well, of course you're going to get fat. But if you stop off at McDonalds once every other month or even once a month, I really don't see the harm in that.

The other thing is being active. Of course a kid is going to get fat if they come home from school, plop down in front of the tube with the remote in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. Exercise is key in any diet.

This is true for most fruits but not all. There are tons of vitamins in the peel on an orange but do you eat the peel? Only if you burn off the taste buds first, the bitter taste can not be tollerated for long. So jucing them would be more benificial (of course this is probably something to be done at home with a juicer i dont know if manufacturers uses the peel or not).

So the only alternatives in your mind is eat these fruits skin and all or to juice them? Even a monkey will peel a banana, and eating an orange (peeled) or banana is better for you than drinking the juice.

Also cranberry juice is extremely good for you, ecspecially with the cleansing of the liver, but to get the required amount of minerals out of un-juiced cranberries you would have to eat a massive amount of them.
How many children, or adults for that matter, need to drink enough cranberry juice to cleanse their liver on a regular basis?

And ill branch out from 'traditional' fruits. Tomato, cucummber(sp?), squash ad zuccini(sp?) are all fruits but how many kids do you know that eat them.
How many children do you know that drink their zucchini juice?

They have vitamins and minerals that are essential to the body and jucing them and mixing them with other convential (for lack of a better term) fruits like apple, peaches, bananas and others you can get those vitamins but still have a great tasting drink.
Sure you can get vitamins and minerals from juicing fruits and vegetables. But if you eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, you are wasting time and money by doing so. If you answer, "but people don't eat their veggies", then that's the problem to address. They should. Trying to get all of the nutrients through juice, which will be filled with sugar, is an inferior option.

Yes water is the best thing in the world for you but not all kids will drink enough water, so juices (as long as they are 100%) are a good substitute not a complete one you still need water but a good one from time to time
The solution to this is give kids more water and don't let them drink so much juice. I didn't drink juice all the time as a kid (it was expensive and my parents were cheap) and I drank plenty of water. Don't buy the kids juice and they'll drink water. Buy them juice and other drinks and they'll grow up not liking water.
So the only alternatives in your mind is eat these fruits skin and all or to juice them? Even a monkey will peel a banana, and eating an orange (peeled) or banana is better for you than drinking the juice.

How many children, or adults for that matter, need to drink enough cranberry juice to cleanse their liver on a regular basis?

How many children do you know that drink their zucchini juice?

Sure you can get vitamins and minerals from juicing fruits and vegetables. But if you eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, you are wasting time and money by doing so. If you answer, "but people don't eat their veggies", then that's the problem to address. They should. Trying to get all of the nutrients through juice, which will be filled with sugar, is an inferior option.

The solution to this is give kids more water and don't let them drink so much juice. I didn't drink juice all the time as a kid (it was expensive and my parents were cheap) and I drank plenty of water. Don't buy the kids juice and they'll drink water. Buy them juice and other drinks and they'll grow up not liking water.

This is not an alternative in my mind this is an option. Whole or jucied the fruit will have sugar. Whole or juiced the fruit is going to be good for you. Im simply providing information on the benefits of drinking juice.

My fault on the cranberry juice its liver and kidneys, it helps to prevent UTI's as well, which some people are more prone to than others. While not many people need to cleanse these organ on a regular basis the fact that it is good for your health is un deniable. Im simply pointing out that your logic behind only eating the fruit is not always the best option.

Again zucchini is good for you, not a lot of kids eat it, but since the topic of this thread is health chidren I thought I would mention it.

Also there are some vitamins and minerals that are absorbed by the body through fluids better than through whole foods. Drinkins juies or eating fruits the sugar is going to be there again name something without sugar in some form or another

Like I said before I agree with you that water is the best thing for you, but that giving kids juices (100%) every now and then is not a bad choice.

Drinkins juies or eating fruits the sugar is going to be there again name something without sugar in some form or another

Of course, the sugar is still there when you eat fruit, but so is the fiber. Not only is fiber something that many people need more of, but it also slows the absorbsion of the sugar. The sugar from a whole piece of fruit will be absorbed more gradually due to the fiber. The sugar in juice will be absorbed just as that in a piece of candy or a glass of soda would be and will result in a similar insulin spike.

I'm not saying juice is going to kill you, just that eating your fruits and veggies is better for you than drinking them. If you're not getting enough veggies, don't drink juice to make up for it. Eat more veggies.
Very interesting article (disturbing as well). I agree I bet that if you went down the juice isle at a local grocery store and took down 20 different bottles based only on the name on the label that only 1-3 (maybe a stretch) would be 100% juice. This is sad and exactly why people should read labels, this might be tedious but it could be worth it. Or shop only at health food stores like Wild Oats

Also don't buy juice in the juice isle, only buy juice that they have in the fruit isle, like naked juice and the real 100% natural juice.

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