Fighting a martial artist


Yellow Belt
I have a friend who's an mma guy and he challenged me to spar so I said sure and I expected to be beaten since I don't have any formal training but he was awful I beat him easily all he did was try and grab me and hold me and every time he did I just hit him and he backed away eventually I stopped because it was just embarrassing
I have a friend who's an mma guy and he challenged me to spar so I said sure and I expected to be beaten since I don't have any formal training but he was awful I beat him easily all he did was try and grab me and hold me and every time he did I just hit him and he backed away eventually I stopped because it was just embarrassing
Maybe he is new or lied or just sucks or you are really good or are lying either way what's the point of the thread?
I experienced both sides.
The martial artist may be overspecialised (and unable for a different scenario) or beginner (and new stuff just adding options, confusion and slowness).
The untrained may have some natural skill, actual experience and/or luck.
I have a friend who's an mma guy and he challenged me to spar so I said sure and I expected to be beaten since I don't have any formal training but he was awful I beat him easily all he did was try and grab me and hold me and every time he did I just hit him and he backed away eventually I stopped because it was just embarrassing

When you say 'MMA guy' do you mean he trains or he likes watching it?

'Challenge', now there's a word. Was it a friendly challenge as in 'hey do you want to spar' or was it 'I challenge you to a fight damn you'?

When you say all he did was try to hold you, grab you etc. ... just how good a friend is this and perhaps he's trying to tell you something? You may have broken his heart you know.
I have a friend who's an mma guy and he challenged me to spar so I said sure and I expected to be beaten since I don't have any formal training but he was awful I beat him easily all he did was try and grab me and hold me and every time he did I just hit him and he backed away eventually I stopped because it was just embarrassing
sounds quite reasonable, an ounce of talent is worth a year of practise. As your clearly talented, go to mma with him, where you will find a wider selection of people then you can more accurately judge how good your natural talent is. Who knows you might be able to make a good living from it
I have a friend who's an mma guy and he challenged me to spar so I said sure and I expected to be beaten since I don't have any formal training but he was awful I beat him easily all he did was try and grab me and hold me and every time he did I just hit him and he backed away eventually I stopped because it was just embarrassing

Welcome to MartialTalk, bro.

You make me want to get a puppy.
One question - Did y'all discuss the "rules" of your sparring session, beforehand?

(ok, one and a half quesiton) - I mean, did your friend know there would be striking involved?

Maybe he just wanted to "roll" and you kept hitting him
Here's the reality. Not everyone who trains in MMA is good in MMA. MMA is not a magic bullet.

And not every "MMA guy" actually trains in MMA, or attends a legit MMA gym. Part of the reason I went into Bjj instead of MMA was because Bjj has pretty solid standards. Pretty hard to fake being a Purple, Brown, or Black belt in Bjj without there being some repercussions.

Just about anyone can open a "MMA gym" though.