Free Trial Supporting Memberships!


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
a happy place
Free Trial Memberships On MartialTalk!

As part of MartialTalk’s continue effort to thank its membership for their contributions in making us a premier Martial Arts forum we will be awarding Free Trial Supporting Memberships to people that have demonstrated an ability to support Martial Talk's friendly discussion atmosphere.

The winners have been selected by the Admins, Mods and Mentors of Martial Talk for their great effort in contributing both well versed responses to, and the starting of topics of discussion in the forums.

The free One Month Trial Supporting Memberships allow access to our Premium club forum and the arcade, increased avatar size, ability to post polls and attachements, larger PM box, and also create a custom title and public photo gallery.

So, this month, congratulations goes out to:

TKD Girl

for their continuing contributions to make Martial Talk the best Martial Arts forum there is!

I've already started enjoying the premium club forum. Thanks for the congrats!
OnlyAnEgg said:
Yay for ShirtRipper, my favorite Kung-Pow reference!

I also considered Betty...but I doubt most would have picked up on know...

"Swinging the chain, swinging the chain."
Shirt Ripper said:
I also considered Betty...but I doubt most would have picked up on know...

"Swinging the chain, swinging the chain."

Let me know...if you see...a...Radio Shcak
Way top go everybody just so you know you have to buy the beer for us Mods. first I'm waiting.

Congrats to this months winners of the Trial Supporting Membership. Your contributions are appreciated. :asian:
Thanks to everyone who was involved in choosing us - I appreciate the compliment, and it looks like the others so chosen do as well.
Congrats to all the winners this month. I've been a supporting member since Bob started having them on the board and it's certainly worth the additional features. Great to have you folks on with us.
Oh right, now you tell me. Y'all knew just when I was whipping out my credit card too, didn't you?

Sheesh, I KNEW that webcam would get me in trouble. Now the whole freaking world is clued in to what I'm doing. I really need to shut the darn thing off.

Just kidding!!!!! :D :D :D

Congrats, everyone!! :) :) And see ya in the lounge :)
Just a quick and friendly reminder.

We will be naming new winners of the free trial supporting members next week. The trial for April's winners will expire at the end of this month. I hope you enjoyed the extra's it gave you, if you wish to continue, please contact Bob regarding a full supporting membership or click on my sig line.

Lisa said:
Just a quick and friendly reminder.

We will be naming new winners of the free trial supporting members next week. The trial for April's winners will expire at the end of this month. I hope you enjoyed the extra's it gave you, if you wish to continue, please contact Bob regarding a full supporting membership or click on my sig line.


I already did! Thanks again.:asian:
Thanks for reminding us about the expiration date! I just did my thing to become a supporting member, as well!