Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
I have a hanging heavy bag that is connected to a steel I-beam with a clamp made for just that usage. But even though I insulate the metal clamp, from the steel I-beam with a rubber inner tube, Mrs Xue still yells at me telling me to stop...because I'm going to break the house. Being all powerful and as ego boosting as that sounds, it is highly unlikely I will be breaking the house any time soon. But I am tired of this interaction and I am looking for a good free standing bag. I looked at wave master, but really do not want to get into having to fill the base up with water or sand since it will be in my basement and there is no way to connect a hose to fill it up and I do not feel like carrying multiple bags of sand to my basement.
I came across this from Century and I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this type of bag, and what they thought of it
I came across this from Century and I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this type of bag, and what they thought of it