forum died

My cat would agree. (We call him Iron Chef Poo, because he looks just like Iron Chef Italian, but works in litter, not pasta.) :D
DngrRuss said:
Okay, I've been banging heads over in the Study, and it is finally time that I got over here to the HKD board. Nice to see some of my compatriots and friendly advasaries from other threads and forums here as well.

As to some of the above posts-
I like to think that we are all merely guests here, like people at a house for a dinner party. We can have some lively, spirited, and sometimes oppositional discussions, so long as we are all remaining friends and respecting the host's home and rules. But, when one or two of us start drinking to excess, spilling the gravy, grabbing the hostess's boobs, and calling out anyone out who says to stop, don't whine about being asked to leave or being forced to leave. You have simply become an a-hole and need to be removed. Alright- maybe my little analogy is a bit colorful, but having been on both sides of the drunken a-hole meltdown syndrome, I thought it would be appropriate, accurate, or at least sarcastic.:rolleyes:

So I think my point here is: Don't drink and type... no, that's not it...

How about Friends don't let friends post drunk... nope, not it either...

Oh wait, I know- If you grab a moderator's boobs- getting banned is the least of your worries... wait, that doesn't even make sense...

I'll just go with Hapkido Rules! So the rest of you snivelling whiners can shut the hell up! Damn... I think I should have stopped at 4 glasses of wine.

Did I actually have a point? Not sure. But it's time for the obligatory quote and response:

But what if you are a Martial Artist who LIKES grunting, punching, and banging your chest? Does that make me a bad boy daddy? Grunting, punching, and banging my chest have worked quite well for me in the past, and I say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I tried to be a sensative guy back in the 80's- didn't work too well for me, so I went back to the grunting. What about scratching? I enjoy a good manly scratch from time to time. Is that bad for a Martial Artist? What about flinging poo? ... Okay, maybe not flinging poo...

What was my point again? Oh yea:
Fellow Hapkidoin- stop it with the finger pointing, genital wagging, and poo flinging. Who did what, who said what, and who started what is IRRELAVENT training and teaching our students. If a student wants to learn history- give them a book. If you think that my approach, or any other HKD practitioner's is wrong because it doesn't look like, smell like or taste like yours- OPEN YOUR FRIGGIN' MINDS! There are plenty of detractors on the outside, don't make things harder on the inside. Accept each other and learn from each other. Noone- I repeat- NOONE holds a corner on the learning market. In a system like HKD, that preaches openess and accumulated learning (at least in most of the cases I have experienced), you would think that we could do that to ourselves.

Love you guys... really... no, I meen it....
ROFLMAO! Very nice. And very funny.