The solution to the campaign finance thing is easy, anyone can give any amount to anyone they want, either to the actual campaign or to other groups and then the campaign can coordinate or not coordinate with those groups if they want to or not. All these silly rules are just that, silly. People should be allowed to support whoever they want with their money, end of story. That is real freedom of speech. Please, don't complain about buying this candidate or that candidate, it is going to happen no matter what anyone does. If everyone is able to give then all sides are equal, Republican, Democrat or third party. In fact, if you let people give as much as they want to who they want, the third party candidates might actually have a chance to win once in a while. They could get large sums of money for their campaign instead of being handicapped by silly campaign finance laws. I guess the one rule you could have is you must be a citizen to give money, that would be the only legitimate rule.