For Cat Lovers and Litter Haters

From what I hear, its pretty loud. A motor has to come on after the cat finishes using it to clean it up. That could be a cool thing for people with a large enough house to keep the catbox in the basement, but for a city apartment? I'll pass...
Hmmm. I dunno tho. It's hard enough to get the old man to fix the regular toity ... fixing a cat toity? It would never happen.

Hmmmm. I do like the idea of sanitation, and the fact that it SAYS it's safe for septic. Hmmmmm.
Looks like a good idea, but there are a couple of flaws. Our cats like to bury their mess. The open design of this thing would create a collosal mess. Then there is the kitten we just rescued. He will attack anything and I am certain that he would either break off the scoop as it scooped up the litter or would end up trapped as the scoop ascended. Either way this thing is just too much of a liability. I would rather have a closed litter box and clean the litter myself. That way, there is no mess and I know the job's been done right. My wife and I have five cats so cleaning the box out twice daily ie a necessity.
I had a precursor to this, with the comb that combed out hte mess into a box...and it worked fine for one cat, but once you got to two or would often jam...and if there was a line to use the wasn't pretty.

It's a nice idea, but I think it would only work in certain situations, and not a multiple cat home.
I'm suddenly reminded of a quote from a book I read once...can't remember the name of the book at the moment but the quote was:

"If you own a cat, then you litterally have a box of **** in your house."

Most of us never consider it that way though... keeping an box of actual poo