For the dog lovers on this forum... very important read ... (keep clicking next) as they describe 10 of the most hazardous things for dogs to chew on. Some of them might be surprising. So clean up after yourselves ya slobs... you're gonna hurt your dogs if you don't!
You won't believe what is the #1 thing that Vets find inside dogs tummies!
Other things NOT on the list that should be kept a watchful eye on are the Rawhide chew toys... dogs love 'em and they ARE good for the teeth, gums and jaws... BUT they can get chewed to pieces and those pieces will get swallowed and those pieces CAN get lodged in the throat or a turn of the intestines... they have a bad habit of adsorbing moisture and will swell up and if it's lodged in the throat (and dog takes a drink to try and wash it down) it could choke your pet. Dogs aren't going to walk up to you gasping and pointing at their throat and miming hitting their back... they're going to just sit there and gag and gag until they either dislodge the piece or swallow it down... or worse ... die.
Other types of chew toys... there are those made out of bundles of string... those are great teeth cleaning toys (like floss) and will help keep your dog's mouth healthy... but care must be taken that the dog doesn't ingest too much of the string. If it gets really tattered and frayed then toss it out. Watch out for those toys with those neat long dangling rubber nubs should be tossed out too as they can be chewed off and swallowed.
Like the article says some of those chew toys while really cute and cheap are hazardous after the dog starts working on them for a while.
Unless you're the type that picks up after the dog after play time don't leave them laying around.
Best by far are probably those Kong chew/throw toys as you get the right size appropriate for your dog (ask sales person or be a good judge of what can/cannot fit in to your dogs mouth but not down it's throat) and some have little holes where you can put a milk-bone into as a special treat (awww)... They're very tough and can last a long time but again as with ANY toy... watch it and see if it's starting to piece off or fray or whatever... toss it and get a new one.
Nylabones are dangerous as according to this report ...
This is the home page of the site... lots of good info on there...
Oh and Chocolate... never NEVER chocolate. Some of you already know this but surprisingly a lot of people don't... Chocolate is poison for dogs.
They do make doggy treats that have chocolate FLAVOR in them so if you MUST, then get those. Otherwise make it a bit of cheese or a real doggy treat from the pet store.
People say dogs are their best friends, that they're part of the family... well treat them like they are and not just an extension of it. The vet bills can be staggering when you don't treat them well.
Any other ideas/hints/warnings?
You won't believe what is the #1 thing that Vets find inside dogs tummies!
Other things NOT on the list that should be kept a watchful eye on are the Rawhide chew toys... dogs love 'em and they ARE good for the teeth, gums and jaws... BUT they can get chewed to pieces and those pieces will get swallowed and those pieces CAN get lodged in the throat or a turn of the intestines... they have a bad habit of adsorbing moisture and will swell up and if it's lodged in the throat (and dog takes a drink to try and wash it down) it could choke your pet. Dogs aren't going to walk up to you gasping and pointing at their throat and miming hitting their back... they're going to just sit there and gag and gag until they either dislodge the piece or swallow it down... or worse ... die.
Other types of chew toys... there are those made out of bundles of string... those are great teeth cleaning toys (like floss) and will help keep your dog's mouth healthy... but care must be taken that the dog doesn't ingest too much of the string. If it gets really tattered and frayed then toss it out. Watch out for those toys with those neat long dangling rubber nubs should be tossed out too as they can be chewed off and swallowed.
Like the article says some of those chew toys while really cute and cheap are hazardous after the dog starts working on them for a while.
Unless you're the type that picks up after the dog after play time don't leave them laying around.
Best by far are probably those Kong chew/throw toys as you get the right size appropriate for your dog (ask sales person or be a good judge of what can/cannot fit in to your dogs mouth but not down it's throat) and some have little holes where you can put a milk-bone into as a special treat (awww)... They're very tough and can last a long time but again as with ANY toy... watch it and see if it's starting to piece off or fray or whatever... toss it and get a new one.
Nylabones are dangerous as according to this report ...
This is the home page of the site... lots of good info on there...

Oh and Chocolate... never NEVER chocolate. Some of you already know this but surprisingly a lot of people don't... Chocolate is poison for dogs.
They do make doggy treats that have chocolate FLAVOR in them so if you MUST, then get those. Otherwise make it a bit of cheese or a real doggy treat from the pet store.
People say dogs are their best friends, that they're part of the family... well treat them like they are and not just an extension of it. The vet bills can be staggering when you don't treat them well.
Any other ideas/hints/warnings?