For any Star Wars Fans Out There

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Haven't heard about Jackson... hmm...maybe :)

I stopped readin when this whole series of the "New" republic came out... that whole Yuzen (whatever) invasion angle. Its too far outside what I consider 'SW' ya know?
I don't like it because the Jedi <read: warrior caste> is having a huge moral dilemma that is just so stupid to someone who someone who is a warrior <Military vet and lifetime martial artist> and have been taught the answers to their problem and I know that every single culture from the beginning of time has some sort of Code of Honor that could have been adopted by the Jedi.

I like it because it makes me think. The Vong can't be felt through the force. They come from outside of the galaxy where I guess the force doesn't exist... But we learn from Episode I that the force is all about midi cholorians inside the body. If, as Yoda says in Empire Strikes Back, that the force is in all of nature... rocks, trees, flesh and so forth then why don't the Vong exist in the force? Perhaps it is because the Midi Cholorians only exist within that galaxy, but since the Vong breathe the air and use the soil to build their ships and weapons, wouldn't it make sense that they would absorb some of these Midi Cholorians and be felt in the force?
I also like it because they aren't holding the Jedi nor the characters that sacred. They are killing them left and right so you don't know what to expect. Of course the latest one I read really ticked me off because they killed my favorite character.
seems to be able to sense the Vong now though, I think that happend in the softcover book just before STAR BY STAR.
I have heard that this whole New Jedi order would actually be the next series of movies if they were made too.

Have not read Zahn's sci-fi, but some of his fantasy, i want to read more though, bcause he always seems to be a good read!

The Jackson thing is an online petition I think.

The X-wing sreies would be good too as movies, mabey a cartoon, more adult like though?mmmmmmm
Yes, it was Anakin Solo <Leia's and Hans 3rd Kid for those that haven't gotten into the books> who felt little glimmers of the force in a battle with the Vong... I don't know where the writers will go with that due to the latest developments... I won't spoil the story for those that haven't read the book yet.

I've only ready Zahn's "Conquerer's Pride" books and I've been looking for something else to read, so that would be a great place to go next... his fantasy.

You are right, the X-wing would probably make better cartoons or movies... For young SW fans the twin's and Anakin's Young Jedi Knight series would be good for cartoons.
For you star wars fans out there I have read and seen a lot of star wars books out there for you to continue being fans. I agree its sad to see classics like this coming to and end.
I wonder if Lucas will allow other people to follow in with his footsteps. You never know lucas could just "oversee" the future films. Theres certainly an audience for it to keep making money. I'd like to see Yoda have his own films. "Youngling hand me my lightsaber. "But Master Yoda which one is it?" " It's the one that says Little Bad-*** Mother F**Ker on it, my youngling."
After they get done with SWE3, I would like to see them do a few single spin offs with either a young Han Solo and Chewbacca or Boba Fett. That way, we will still get our Star Wars fix without the long commitment another trilogy would be.

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