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We The People
By Kailat - Mon, 02 Jun 2008 15:26:14 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
There is a reason much deeper than the self preservation and self discipline that many of us scour into learning Kombatants.. There are many organizations that run militia style groups within our society.
To some the "combat" group mentality or para military group, martial arts training group are looked down upon as "militia type organization.
I run a group called Kailat Kombatives, which is a FMA type group who are made up of mostly law enforcement, and military or "ex" officials of the later groups.
We train for a few things. A) preservation of martial art, B) self-defense in street, C) for the what if days when this country falls.
With our society steadily falling into depressional state. The liklyhood of us having martial law, or govt. uprising may soon happen in the future.
If we take for example the happenings of Hurricane Katrina, when New Orleans, was swept away. How many law enforcement officers fled and left the city to shambles? We rose from this and overcome.
But let's think for a moment if and when our America becomes so distressed and in such a turmoil that the point of recovery is not going to be easily recouped.
There are many signs of future dismemberment of the US. One thing is our American Dollar is not as strong or as powerful as it was. Other things, are rising cost of fuel, living, economy. What will we do when fuel prices reach $10+ a gallong of gas? Sure there are many alternatives but they are not working to our benifit as many has suggested they will. Ethonal fuel?
Id like to see public transportation come back and connect smaller towns to larger cities. Ie, trains, rails, electric or else.
One day our martial arts training is going to serve a greater protection than we ever expected. Many law enforcement and govt. officials are learning combative martial arts such as the KALI. IT will and may be regulated in the future to where noone outside of these ranks can learn it. In fear of it being used against our own govt. soldiers and intaties.
The common man, the militia organizations will be our only form of survival when we have to in turn fight for our families on our own turf.
Movies like Mad Maxx, may not be that far off from what we may know as our near future.
Armegeddon is near I fear. I hope I am wrong and I hope that perhaps im just another fanatic. I hope I am all wrong of this place. I just am prepared for an outcome that I may have to protect my young children and the weak from if "ever" soemthing were to happen. If it does not happen in our lifetime, what of our childrens lifetime? Should we prepare them for mortal combat?
Should our govt begin a ban on combative arts, or martial arts with more lethality than the others what would we do then? Do as our old tribesman once done, and practice at night in a form of ritualistic dance movements?
My eyes are open and taking in all that is around me, in hopes that I just live in paranoia and for sake of the people of the United States of American that WE the PEOPLE will stand firm and strong if ever we have to overcome what may soon one day be THE END OF TIMES!!
As I was at our local Gun show this past weekend, I noticed and talked to radicals and militia men on their reasoning on purchasing large quantaties of ammunition and firepower. These conversations caused me to think of what if?
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By Kailat - Mon, 02 Jun 2008 15:26:14 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
There is a reason much deeper than the self preservation and self discipline that many of us scour into learning Kombatants.. There are many organizations that run militia style groups within our society.
To some the "combat" group mentality or para military group, martial arts training group are looked down upon as "militia type organization.
I run a group called Kailat Kombatives, which is a FMA type group who are made up of mostly law enforcement, and military or "ex" officials of the later groups.
We train for a few things. A) preservation of martial art, B) self-defense in street, C) for the what if days when this country falls.
With our society steadily falling into depressional state. The liklyhood of us having martial law, or govt. uprising may soon happen in the future.
If we take for example the happenings of Hurricane Katrina, when New Orleans, was swept away. How many law enforcement officers fled and left the city to shambles? We rose from this and overcome.
But let's think for a moment if and when our America becomes so distressed and in such a turmoil that the point of recovery is not going to be easily recouped.
There are many signs of future dismemberment of the US. One thing is our American Dollar is not as strong or as powerful as it was. Other things, are rising cost of fuel, living, economy. What will we do when fuel prices reach $10+ a gallong of gas? Sure there are many alternatives but they are not working to our benifit as many has suggested they will. Ethonal fuel?
Id like to see public transportation come back and connect smaller towns to larger cities. Ie, trains, rails, electric or else.
One day our martial arts training is going to serve a greater protection than we ever expected. Many law enforcement and govt. officials are learning combative martial arts such as the KALI. IT will and may be regulated in the future to where noone outside of these ranks can learn it. In fear of it being used against our own govt. soldiers and intaties.
The common man, the militia organizations will be our only form of survival when we have to in turn fight for our families on our own turf.
Movies like Mad Maxx, may not be that far off from what we may know as our near future.
Armegeddon is near I fear. I hope I am wrong and I hope that perhaps im just another fanatic. I hope I am all wrong of this place. I just am prepared for an outcome that I may have to protect my young children and the weak from if "ever" soemthing were to happen. If it does not happen in our lifetime, what of our childrens lifetime? Should we prepare them for mortal combat?
Should our govt begin a ban on combative arts, or martial arts with more lethality than the others what would we do then? Do as our old tribesman once done, and practice at night in a form of ritualistic dance movements?
My eyes are open and taking in all that is around me, in hopes that I just live in paranoia and for sake of the people of the United States of American that WE the PEOPLE will stand firm and strong if ever we have to overcome what may soon one day be THE END OF TIMES!!
As I was at our local Gun show this past weekend, I noticed and talked to radicals and militia men on their reasoning on purchasing large quantaties of ammunition and firepower. These conversations caused me to think of what if?
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