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PI Trip
By kuntawguro - 07-23-2011 07:48 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
First, why the Philippines? Those of you who know me, know of the passion I have for the Filipino martial Arts. I came to the Philippines a young man going to war in Viet Nam. I was exposed to the Filipino martial arts and have been on a crusade to find out more about the FMA since then. My first exposure was in Olongapo, a dirty little hole in the wall town just outside a US Navy station in the Northern part of the Philippines. I trained in the back streets and alleyways with some of the Black Belts from the Kuntaw ng Pilipinas club of Olongapo. I started out in Tae Kwon Do and Kyo Kushin Kai karate and gave them up to learn the softer aspects of Kuntaw.
This is not to say that Karate and Tae Kwon Do have little value- they just didn't peak my interests as did Kuntaw. Since leaving the Philippines in 1973 I have tried to go back many times. I have had some seroius injuries and setbacks along the way as well as having an income. Money has always been a problem and being able to find someone who would go with me was another. Several years ago I mentioned to Deb that I wanted to go back and she agreed to go with me as long as she would be safe. We saved our money and tried to get joint time off. This was very hard for us as I have been unemployed more than I have been employed in the past two years. With a little luck and some serious penny pinching we were able to save just enough to make the trip as long as we had a place to stay when we got there.
Our plans were to make this a honeymoon/martial arts get away. After talking with Michael Tuscano, a Filipino friend in Legaspi, we finally made serious plans. I offered to pay Michael back for being a guide and sponsor by doing a seminar for free to anyone he chose to share with. Over night this became a much bigger project. I didn't really mind at all as I had already told Michael that half the trip was for Deb and I and half could be for martial arts. Tickets to the Philippines were at 1250.00 each when we originally planned our trip, but when it came time to go they were up to 3500.00 ea. The majority of our saved money was gone in an instant. Now we would have to penny pinch even more.
Deb has never been out of the United States and has never had a passport. Getting one and getting the needed immunizations cost us around 400.00. Watching the smile on her face when she got her own passport was worth the money- she fluttered around the house for a few days saying- "I have a passport, my own passport!" Time was coming up for the trip and at the last possible minute Paul and Jessica backed out due to finanical reasons. I am kind of sneaky, I was planning on testing Paul for rank in the Philippines under the Masters that were avaialable for this seminar. We planned to make the trip with Paul and Jessica but that fell thru and we would have to go on our own.
The plane ride from Michigan was uneventful but long and hard on our butts as we made our way halfway around the world to meet with people who only existed before on facebook. Our stop over in Tokyo was a disaster as we got trapped in Tokyo station downtown, there seemed to be no exit to the town proper. When we finally did get downtown it was raining. The train did not return later during the night and what was planned as a nightime visit had to be cut short. Deb did get to see the imperial Palace walls and moat as well as the crowded train station. We spent the night at the Nartita airport under guard. We were monitored by airport security all thru the night as we waited for our morning flight ut of Tokyo.
Arriving in Manila were were escorted by several security cops to have a cigarette outside and they wanted payment for showing us the smoking area. But, they didn't want their superiors to see us give them money. They struck out. A 14 hour van ride to Legaspi by GM Frank Aycocho and his driver Danni was a killer on our butts as well. Tho the company was quite entertaining to say the least. We arrived in Legaspi after midnight and checked into thMagayon Hotel- Magayon means Beautiful. The hotel was sparse and the ammentities were few. Tho we were glad to lay down and grab some sleep while we could.
We met Michael and his parents the next day , enjoyed a meal on his back rest area and it was there that the Kuntaw/ Arnis Repelon students became known to us. Michaels family were gracious and loving. They opened their home to us and we all had a good time.
I planned on a surprise birthday party for Deb and spent what i could to make it happen. Needless to say Michael made it happen the second day we were in Legaspi. She literally glowed with smiles. The whole dining room of an uptown restaurant was rented and a table full of food was enjoyed by us all. Even Michaels fiance and his family were there to share this with Deb. The food was great and the smiles were an indication that we were - family.
The seminar went over well with many people smiling as they went to the mat with new techniques and even then they came up with thumbs up and asking for more. The heat got me the first day and I had to cut the seminar short. i recovered the next day and was able to finish the seminar.
These many students, Michael and his family were the exact duplicates ofthe people I remembered from my first stay in the Philippines- warm hearted and caring. I am glad that I got to show Deb this part of the world for her first outside the US visit.
I started the trip with 1000.00, by the last day of the seminar I was down to 135.00 and Deb had to draw some money out of her savings to cover the last of our trip. I didn't want to have to do this as it was my gift to her. But , being the supportive lady she has always been , she stepped up and saved the day.
The last part of our trip was spent at Captain Mike's resort. This is a sea side getaway on the Philippine sea owned by one of Michael's students family.
It is owned By Mike Ong and is watched over by Abner and his wife Nelli. We had the whole resort to ourselves with the Philippine sea lashing at the breakwall and Mt Mayon, an active volcano in its back yard , it was a perfect tropical setting for our honeymoon. The host were gracious and the views were spectacular. This place served as a homebase while we took tricycle tours, jeepney rides, and walked the many back roads of Santo Domingo. Each morning we awoke to a rooster crow at 530 am and followed by spectacular sunrises and good coffee. Each night we were served hot meals and given good company by Abner, Mike, and by Nelli. The veranda became our back porch.
We toured Tabaco, Tiwi, Mt Mayon, Busay falls, and many many more places.
The Seminar
Aquinas University is situated on the northern edge of Legaspi and consists of many structures. One of the main structures was the site of our seminar. We met with the Assistant Rector of the College and Michaels boss in the accounting department the day before the seminar.
The room was spacious but a bit hot. People started to file in and find a place to sit. GM Francico Aycocho and GM Roger Bataller, Master Orlando Olavere, and I took our seats as Michael Tuscano welcomed everyone to the seminar and explained the order of events. GM Bataller came up to the mic and gave his goals and his thanks for being included. I took the mic and explained that I came to the Philippines a young man going to war - Viet Nam, and I fell in love with Filipino martial arts. Now 40 years later I have the honor to share what I have learned of the Filipino martial arts. I also spoke of how the Filipino martial arts should be propagated. I asked the students to open their minds and their hearts to what we were to share.
GM Aycocho proceeded to take a group of students thru the rules and regulations of sports arnis., while I had a matted area where they wanted me to show combative applications of the Filipino Martial arts. I showed the 2 main concepts of Kuntaw and walked them thru many different applications using the same techniques and theories. I think I opened a few eyes. There were bodies hitting the matts everywhere and I couldn't help but notice everyone had a smile on their face. It was way too hot for me and I melted, Deb had to take me back to the hotel.
I repeated the same process the next day with more students but the air conditioning a was turned on and I didn't melt so bad. After the sessions were done we passed out some appreciation awards to some of the students who supported Michael when he ws stripped of his rank. They stood behind him loyally. I also recognized Michael's rank, Brod Berto's rank, Heide's rank, and Tony 's rank. I gave an appreciation award to GM Frank for promoting the Filipino Martial arts.
Later I found out that GM Frank was calling what I was doing "Chop Suey". In his eyes it may have been, but I know that I showed some concepts that the students were eager to try and quickly became good at. I think they liked what I showed and that they liked me as well as many wanted their picture taken with the "WHITE GUY"
Michael has started something in Legazpi that mirrors the format and function of the KSMA organization in the states. His group is called ABSORB. It is made up of many different martial arts and artists that have come together in brotherhood to share. In doing so, I recognized him as a brother in KSMA, and gave him my support and that of the AMKA and, BAKA groups. I gave him one of my uniform tops and shook his hand.
I may have come halfway around the world on a whim, but it paid off, I found friends and made new memories in the martial arts.
All in all, the group of martial artists from around Legazpi were gracious, kind, and appreciative. Deb and I were treated like royalty. People kept calling me master and I kept telling them to call me friend, Buzz, or Brother. We were taken all over and shown many of the sights while we were there. But the biggest impression we got was the brotherhood that was shared by all in Michaels group of friends and martial artists.
Rest assured Michael that no one can take away friends, your knowledge, and the respect that all show to you. You have earned my support and my friendship. I will do what I can to be your "NINONG" but you are my brother already.
Guro Buzz
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By kuntawguro - 07-23-2011 07:48 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
First, why the Philippines? Those of you who know me, know of the passion I have for the Filipino martial Arts. I came to the Philippines a young man going to war in Viet Nam. I was exposed to the Filipino martial arts and have been on a crusade to find out more about the FMA since then. My first exposure was in Olongapo, a dirty little hole in the wall town just outside a US Navy station in the Northern part of the Philippines. I trained in the back streets and alleyways with some of the Black Belts from the Kuntaw ng Pilipinas club of Olongapo. I started out in Tae Kwon Do and Kyo Kushin Kai karate and gave them up to learn the softer aspects of Kuntaw.
This is not to say that Karate and Tae Kwon Do have little value- they just didn't peak my interests as did Kuntaw. Since leaving the Philippines in 1973 I have tried to go back many times. I have had some seroius injuries and setbacks along the way as well as having an income. Money has always been a problem and being able to find someone who would go with me was another. Several years ago I mentioned to Deb that I wanted to go back and she agreed to go with me as long as she would be safe. We saved our money and tried to get joint time off. This was very hard for us as I have been unemployed more than I have been employed in the past two years. With a little luck and some serious penny pinching we were able to save just enough to make the trip as long as we had a place to stay when we got there.
Our plans were to make this a honeymoon/martial arts get away. After talking with Michael Tuscano, a Filipino friend in Legaspi, we finally made serious plans. I offered to pay Michael back for being a guide and sponsor by doing a seminar for free to anyone he chose to share with. Over night this became a much bigger project. I didn't really mind at all as I had already told Michael that half the trip was for Deb and I and half could be for martial arts. Tickets to the Philippines were at 1250.00 each when we originally planned our trip, but when it came time to go they were up to 3500.00 ea. The majority of our saved money was gone in an instant. Now we would have to penny pinch even more.
Deb has never been out of the United States and has never had a passport. Getting one and getting the needed immunizations cost us around 400.00. Watching the smile on her face when she got her own passport was worth the money- she fluttered around the house for a few days saying- "I have a passport, my own passport!" Time was coming up for the trip and at the last possible minute Paul and Jessica backed out due to finanical reasons. I am kind of sneaky, I was planning on testing Paul for rank in the Philippines under the Masters that were avaialable for this seminar. We planned to make the trip with Paul and Jessica but that fell thru and we would have to go on our own.
The plane ride from Michigan was uneventful but long and hard on our butts as we made our way halfway around the world to meet with people who only existed before on facebook. Our stop over in Tokyo was a disaster as we got trapped in Tokyo station downtown, there seemed to be no exit to the town proper. When we finally did get downtown it was raining. The train did not return later during the night and what was planned as a nightime visit had to be cut short. Deb did get to see the imperial Palace walls and moat as well as the crowded train station. We spent the night at the Nartita airport under guard. We were monitored by airport security all thru the night as we waited for our morning flight ut of Tokyo.
Arriving in Manila were were escorted by several security cops to have a cigarette outside and they wanted payment for showing us the smoking area. But, they didn't want their superiors to see us give them money. They struck out. A 14 hour van ride to Legaspi by GM Frank Aycocho and his driver Danni was a killer on our butts as well. Tho the company was quite entertaining to say the least. We arrived in Legaspi after midnight and checked into thMagayon Hotel- Magayon means Beautiful. The hotel was sparse and the ammentities were few. Tho we were glad to lay down and grab some sleep while we could.
We met Michael and his parents the next day , enjoyed a meal on his back rest area and it was there that the Kuntaw/ Arnis Repelon students became known to us. Michaels family were gracious and loving. They opened their home to us and we all had a good time.
I planned on a surprise birthday party for Deb and spent what i could to make it happen. Needless to say Michael made it happen the second day we were in Legaspi. She literally glowed with smiles. The whole dining room of an uptown restaurant was rented and a table full of food was enjoyed by us all. Even Michaels fiance and his family were there to share this with Deb. The food was great and the smiles were an indication that we were - family.
The seminar went over well with many people smiling as they went to the mat with new techniques and even then they came up with thumbs up and asking for more. The heat got me the first day and I had to cut the seminar short. i recovered the next day and was able to finish the seminar.
These many students, Michael and his family were the exact duplicates ofthe people I remembered from my first stay in the Philippines- warm hearted and caring. I am glad that I got to show Deb this part of the world for her first outside the US visit.
I started the trip with 1000.00, by the last day of the seminar I was down to 135.00 and Deb had to draw some money out of her savings to cover the last of our trip. I didn't want to have to do this as it was my gift to her. But , being the supportive lady she has always been , she stepped up and saved the day.
The last part of our trip was spent at Captain Mike's resort. This is a sea side getaway on the Philippine sea owned by one of Michael's students family.
It is owned By Mike Ong and is watched over by Abner and his wife Nelli. We had the whole resort to ourselves with the Philippine sea lashing at the breakwall and Mt Mayon, an active volcano in its back yard , it was a perfect tropical setting for our honeymoon. The host were gracious and the views were spectacular. This place served as a homebase while we took tricycle tours, jeepney rides, and walked the many back roads of Santo Domingo. Each morning we awoke to a rooster crow at 530 am and followed by spectacular sunrises and good coffee. Each night we were served hot meals and given good company by Abner, Mike, and by Nelli. The veranda became our back porch.
We toured Tabaco, Tiwi, Mt Mayon, Busay falls, and many many more places.
The Seminar
Aquinas University is situated on the northern edge of Legaspi and consists of many structures. One of the main structures was the site of our seminar. We met with the Assistant Rector of the College and Michaels boss in the accounting department the day before the seminar.
The room was spacious but a bit hot. People started to file in and find a place to sit. GM Francico Aycocho and GM Roger Bataller, Master Orlando Olavere, and I took our seats as Michael Tuscano welcomed everyone to the seminar and explained the order of events. GM Bataller came up to the mic and gave his goals and his thanks for being included. I took the mic and explained that I came to the Philippines a young man going to war - Viet Nam, and I fell in love with Filipino martial arts. Now 40 years later I have the honor to share what I have learned of the Filipino martial arts. I also spoke of how the Filipino martial arts should be propagated. I asked the students to open their minds and their hearts to what we were to share.
GM Aycocho proceeded to take a group of students thru the rules and regulations of sports arnis., while I had a matted area where they wanted me to show combative applications of the Filipino Martial arts. I showed the 2 main concepts of Kuntaw and walked them thru many different applications using the same techniques and theories. I think I opened a few eyes. There were bodies hitting the matts everywhere and I couldn't help but notice everyone had a smile on their face. It was way too hot for me and I melted, Deb had to take me back to the hotel.
I repeated the same process the next day with more students but the air conditioning a was turned on and I didn't melt so bad. After the sessions were done we passed out some appreciation awards to some of the students who supported Michael when he ws stripped of his rank. They stood behind him loyally. I also recognized Michael's rank, Brod Berto's rank, Heide's rank, and Tony 's rank. I gave an appreciation award to GM Frank for promoting the Filipino Martial arts.
Later I found out that GM Frank was calling what I was doing "Chop Suey". In his eyes it may have been, but I know that I showed some concepts that the students were eager to try and quickly became good at. I think they liked what I showed and that they liked me as well as many wanted their picture taken with the "WHITE GUY"
Michael has started something in Legazpi that mirrors the format and function of the KSMA organization in the states. His group is called ABSORB. It is made up of many different martial arts and artists that have come together in brotherhood to share. In doing so, I recognized him as a brother in KSMA, and gave him my support and that of the AMKA and, BAKA groups. I gave him one of my uniform tops and shook his hand.
I may have come halfway around the world on a whim, but it paid off, I found friends and made new memories in the martial arts.
All in all, the group of martial artists from around Legazpi were gracious, kind, and appreciative. Deb and I were treated like royalty. People kept calling me master and I kept telling them to call me friend, Buzz, or Brother. We were taken all over and shown many of the sights while we were there. But the biggest impression we got was the brotherhood that was shared by all in Michaels group of friends and martial artists.
Rest assured Michael that no one can take away friends, your knowledge, and the respect that all show to you. You have earned my support and my friendship. I will do what I can to be your "NINONG" but you are my brother already.
Guro Buzz
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