FMAT: True FMA-Dangerous Martial Arts

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True FMA-Dangerous Martial Arts
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 17 Aug 2007 14:13:19 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I wish to bring this to the attention of anyone that practice FMA in a combative way , that it is very dangerous to adventure in trying to prove that you are good or you have a good style because there are secrets in the fighting system that each original styles are meant to be used at the very moment when the real action is needed. \

In the olden days specially during the Spanish era, real Filipino kali men who were experts and skillfull fighter had design a way how to kill the enemy in a very scientific way not just by the supriority of the techniques but by the superiority of the METAPHYSICS.Each Kali Master had dedicated themselves many number of years spending countless days and nights following the requirments set forth to be done as required by the metaphysical man with the ripened age filled with the wisdom of metaphysics. Kali itself is self -attaining philosophy that it is only by full dedication and religious allegiance to the Philosophical beliefs that results can be a part of a persons life. Metaphysics is the highest attainment in the FMA practices. Kali carries the true metaphysics. Kali is the governing power that made the filipino Guerillas won in so many battles in the Philippines.

How popular was kali in the olden days ?. Kali was not in the beauty contest neither it was expose as a fighting system,it came out only as an expression of force, an expression of power that when the Katipuneros swept the Spanish garrisons no one was to be found alive. As it happened in many encounters in LUZON, VISAYAS AND MINDANAO.

What would be your feeling ,as a husband with a beautiful wife that in the midst of night the Spanish soldiers broke your door and took your wife and to be brought to the Spanish officer at the Garrison to be abused and later mentally disabled couldn't even recognized her family. What would you feel that your piece of land is taken away from you and you are driven out from your own house taking all your produce nothing to be left to your family. What would you feel that a Spanish priest abused your only son enticed to be a priest when in fact your son was the toy of the priest while he studies priesthood for at least nine years in the seminary.

The FMA-kali differentiates from the escrima and Arnis. Because in the metaphysical world a choice of word is important to be a part of the elementals ,how each word be the components of the metaphysical words spoken or murmured during the deliverance. Since arnis/escrima is a spanish word it is unacceptable to use these words during the rituals.Each word spoken or felt must be clean because each word even letters are chosen as part of the cleansing process to be considered pure in mind and in spirit. The spirit of the forefathers will only enter into the physical body if the body is clean and the mind is clean.If the word is unclean then it cannot be accepted.

It is quite difficult to understand if explain in a laymans language but as the years of spanish influence in the Philippines for nearly 330 years, the metaphysical practices were kept and transfered to selected few chosen by the Spiritual council of the forefathers that as of today it is impossible for one to understand unless he is chosen to be one.It is the forefathers presence that provide the blessings while a person is on training to be excellently a winner in all forms of encounter for the protection of his life or his family.

The secret of metaphysical Power that is Filipino that goes with the Ginunting or Talibong that is extremely dangerous.

Kali as a discipline is not meant for everybody. It is only meant for people who are deeply serious in trainiing with the hope to prepare themselves against all forms of threats against any member of the family. As it is practice today by the Philippine Marines and the Philippine National Police in the Philippines, it is for the protection of the country's freedom and liberty more for the lives of the free loving filipinos. It is the metaphysical power that goes with the Ginunting that is extremely dangerous in the true FMA.


------------------------------------ Post Bot - FMA Feed
Hey whats up with all the ritual, its in your spirit or it isn't, do you think that warriorship is exclusive only to the people of Maharlika (PI) ??? The British and Romans who had world empires had some great warriors with techniques as well, in fact it seems all warriors had some code or way of cleansing before battle because of facing death in combat. How amny of you outside of Mindanao willing to strap on a bomb vest to die for what you believe ?? Now that is a weapon, eh ???
I frequently have a difficult time trying to figure out exactly what Mr. Gaje's point is in these posts.

These are posts from his personal blog that are re-posted on [B][/B]. As blog posts at his own organization's site that are posted in that art's sub-forum on FMAT, they understandably reflect a bias towards his art.

-FMAT Admin